Which equals operator (== vs ===) should be used in JavaScript ...
2008年12月11日 · I'm using JSLint to go through JavaScript, and it's returning many suggestions to replace == (two equals signs) with === (three equals signs) when doing things like comparing idSele_UNVEHtype.value.
What is Python's equivalent of && (logical-and) in an if-statement?
2010年3月21日 · (1) That the bool call on the operands has to return True or False isn't completely correct. It's just the first operand that needs to return a boolean in it's __bool__ method:
Difference between == and === in JavaScript - Stack Overflow
2009年2月7日 · The above makes it sound as though a == comparison wouldn't check all the things in the first bullet point, "the same sequence of characters, same length, and same characters in corresponding positions" but in fact it does.
What is the difference between the | and || or operators?
2008年8月29日 · Good question. These two operators work the same in PHP and C#. | is a bitwise OR. It will compare two values by their bits.
Difference between forward slash (/) and backslash (\) in file path
2016年7月20日 · MS-DOS 1.0 retained the command line option (or switch) character convention of '/' from CP/M. At that time there was no directory structure in the file system and no conflict.
What's the differences between & and &&, | and || in R?
Why there are four logical operators: &, && |, || What's the differences in usage? Yes, I've checked the docs, yet I'm a little bit confused.
java - && (AND) and || (OR) in IF statements - Stack Overflow
Java has 5 different boolean compare operators: &, &&, |, ||, ^ & and && are "and" operators, | and || "or" operators, ^ is "xor"
Can I get "&&" or "-and" to work in PowerShell? - Stack Overflow
In CMD, '&&' means "execute command 1, and if it succeeds, execute command 2". I have used it for things like:
How to use "and" and "or" in a "Where" clause - Stack Overflow
2012年7月23日 · It looks like you are missing one set of brackets: SELECT Store_Id , Paid_Out_Amount , Paid_Out_Comment , Paid_Out_Datetime , Update_UserName , Till_Number FROM Paid_Out_Tb WHERE Store_Id = 1929 AND Paid_Out_Datetime >= DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()) - 1, 0) AND Paid_Out_Datetime < DATEADD(day, …
css selectors - CSS "and" and "or" - Stack Overflow
2010年5月9日 · Very old question I know, but since this is what came up on the top of my search results, I'll go ahead and answer it with modern day CSS.