Use of Flow Cytometry to Evaluate Phagocytosis of
Our rapid assay to monitor phagocytosis can be used to study neutrophil deficiencies and bacterial evasion, but also provides a powerful tool to assess the opsonic capacity of antibodies, either in the context of natural immune responses or immune therapies.
Macrophage phagocytosis assay with reconstituted target …
2020年6月19日 · To study how phagocytosis is affected by specific changes to the target surface, we developed an in vitro assay based on reconstituted membrane-coated target particles to which known molecules...
Measuring the phagocytic activity of cells - ScienceDirect
2015年1月1日 · We shall now detail two phagocytosis assays that measure the uptake of either mammalian (host) cells, quantified by fluorescent microscopy or an FACS-based assay for determining the extent of phagocytosis of mycobacteria.
Analysis of macrophage phagocytosis: quantitative assays of …
Phagocytosis of invading pathogens by macrophages represents a fundamental component of the innate immune system. In this chapter, we describe protocols designed for high-throughput analysis of phagosome formation and maturation using latex beads as model phagocytic targets.
Quantitative Phagocytosis Assays in Primary and Cultured
2018年5月15日 · This chapter describes methods to induce and quantify phagocytosis in primary macrophages and in myeloid cell lines. To this end, we initially detail the isolation of primary human monocytes and their differentiation into macrophages.
Phagocytosis assays with different pH-sensitive fluorescent …
We comprehensively evaluated and optimized phagocytosis assays using particles labeled with fluorescent pH-sensitive pHrodo ® dyes, facilitating the specific detection of phagocytosed particles.
PGC-1α activation to enhance macrophage immune function in ...
3 天之前 · Phagocytosis assay. Effect of drug treatment on phagocytosis was performed using the Vybrant Phagocytosis Assay (Thermo Fisher) according to manufacturer’s instructions. THP-1 cells were cultured in 6-well plates at a seeding density of 1.5 x 10 6 cells/well and grown to confluence. Cells were treated with metformin or ZLN005 for 24 hours ...
Full article: Phagocytosis Assays with Different pH-Sensitive ...
2020年2月21日 · We comprehensively evaluated and optimized phagocytosis assays using particles labeled with fluorescent pH-sensitive pHrodo ® dyes, facilitating the specific detection of phagocytosed particles.
Quantitative Phagocytosis Assays in Primary and Cultured
This chapter describes methods to induce and quantify phagocytosis in primary macrophages and in myeloid cell lines. To this end, we initially detail the isolation of primary human monocytes and their differentiation into macrophages.
High-Sensitivity Assessment of Phagocytosis by Persistent …
2021年1月1日 · We use reference human phagocyte THP-1 cells with different prey and opsonization conditions to compare the persistent association-based normalization method to standard ways of assessing phagocytosis and find it to perform better, exhibiting increased robustness, sensitivity, and reproducibility.