Anxiety signs and symptoms - Beyond Blue
With an anxiety condition, the anxiety is more frequent or doesn’t go away. It’s not always connected to an obvious challenge and it makes it hard to complete everyday activities. There are several different anxiety conditions and each has its own unique symptoms. We’ve listed some common symptoms on this page you can use as a guide.
Signs and symptoms of depression - Beyond Blue
It can be hard to know whether you’re feeling depressed or have depression. Our anonymous Anxiety and Depression Test (K10) can help you understand whether your anxious feelings are the kind of worries that will go away on their own, or …
Types of anxiety disorders - Beyond Blue
We explain the common signs, symptoms and treatments of several types of anxiety. To get a formal diagnosis of a mental health condition, you’ll need to see a mental health professional. A GP, psychologist or psychiatrist can assess and diagnose anxiety. It's important to seek support early if you're experiencing anxiety.
10 strategies for managing anxiety - Beyond Blue
There are many strategies that can be used for managing anxiety. Guided meditation, positive affirmations or lifestyle changes are just a few things you can try. The best coping strategy for anxiety will be different for each person. We’ve put together 10 …
Social anxiety disorder (Social phobia) - Beyond Blue
Social anxiety disorder (also called social phobia) is when you experience intense anxiety about social situations or performing in front of others. You might fear being judged, criticised, laughed at or humiliated in front of others, even in everyday situations. For example, eating in front of others at a restaurant might cause anxiety.
Treatments for anxiety - Beyond Blue
Behaviour therapy is used in CBT. It focuses on encouraging activities that ar e rewarding, pleasant or give a sense of satisfaction. This helps to reverse the patterns of avoidance and worry that make anxiety worse. Exposure therapy for anxiety. Behaviour therapy for anxiety relies mainly on a treatment called 'graded exposure'.
Anxiety, panic attacks and seeking help – Milli’s story
I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. I’d spent so long thinking I had some horrible physical illness that I actually felt relieved. Simply knowing what was wrong with me was like a huge weight being lifted, and almost immediately my physical symptoms started to ease.
Understand Anxiety disorders - Beyond Blue
If you’re living with anxiety, the anxious feelings may not be easily managed. Anxiety is a serious condition that makes it hard for a person to cope with daily life. 3 million Australians are living with anxiety. Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. 1 in 4 people will experience anxiety at some stage in their life.
Statistics - Beyond Blue - Beyond Blue
Anxiety and depression test (K10) Look after your wellbeing. Anxiety. Depression. Prevent suicide. Stories ...
Learn about mental health - Beyond Blue
Living with a disability — physical or intellectual — affects so many parts of a person’s overall mental health and wellbeing. People living with a disability may be at risk of developing anxiety or depression due to factors such as social isolation and lack of employment opportunities.