Which is the correct idiom – "When worst comes to worst" or …
2014年2月26日 · Third, although "worse comes to worse"—the blue line—is still the least popular form of the three its frequency has steadily increased since about 1940, and it is now serious contender in the race for "the correct way to spell the idiom."
Is "worser" correct grammatically? - English Language & Usage …
2014年10月22日 · Is worser correct grammatically? I know it seems incorrect, but I stumbled upon the word when reading Hamlet: Oh, throw away the worser part of it, And live the purer with the other half. ...
idioms - "Worse comes to worst" or "worst comes to worst"
Which is correct: worse comes to worst or worst comes to worst? The former seems more logical but the latter is what appears in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
adjectives - What is the correct usage of 'worse' and 'worst ...
2020年6月15日 · I've noticed a lot of people who, according to the way I was taught, misuse the words 'worse' and 'worst'. The way I understand it, 'worse' is for comparisons, and 'worst' is the superlative.
Are there any expressions that describe going from a bad to a …
2011年6月28日 · Are there idioms or expressions in English that describe going from one bad situation to one that's even worse? I heard "between a rock and hard place" but this describes a dilemma not really a transition.
Words for ordinal 5-point scale from normal to severe
2015年7月22日 · What are good words for a five-point ordinal scale? The scale should represent increasing severity of disease, where 1 is normal and 5 is severe. I thought of the following words (with their value...
What is the correct way to punctuate the words ‘worse even’?
2019年9月6日 · Yes, 'even' is a parenthetical here (whereas in 'even worse' it is an intensifier of 'worse', a syntactic difference making little semantic difference). The choices for setting off parentheticals are brackets/parentheses, dashes (both inappropriate in this case), commas (which would work, but appear a little clunky), or in the odd case zero ...
More badly and most badly - English Language & Usage Stack …
2020年4月5日 · Worse and worst are the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective bad not the adverb badly. If you want to say more bad, you should use worse, but now you're using badly.
Common phrases for something that appears good but is actually …
I've heard " hollow bunny " used, in reference to chocolate easter bunnies. The term is sometimes used to describe something disappointing – something that doesn't live up to expectations. (Maybe you were wanting something much worse than being merely disappointing, but bad is a rather vague word, so it's hard to know for sure.
What is "For the better or worse"? - English Language & Usage …
2011年2月19日 · The idiom is "for better or worse" - is it this you mean? If so, it just expresses this: If a situation exists or happens for better or for worse, it exists or happens whether its results are good or bad. See here. This comes from an idiom "for the better/worse", which means "to produce improvement/decline". If this is not what you are looking for, there is a phrase "for the …