Register to vote in your state | Vote.gov
Find the information you need to make registration and voting easy. Official voter registration website of the United States government.
How to vote in the United States | Vote.gov
Find your voting location. The opening and closing times for voting locations vary by jurisdiction. Check with your state or local election office if you have any questions about your voting location. Early voting. Some voting locations are open before Election Day.
Register to vote in U.S. elections | Vote.gov
Voting while living outside of the U.S. If you are a U.S. citizen living outside of the U.S., you can register to vote and request an absentee (mail) ballot by completing the Federal Post Card Application (FCPA). If you are a U.S. military member or military family, you can also use the FPCA to register to vote and request an absentee ballot.
About vote.gov | Our mission and history | Vote.gov
Vote.gov is a trusted source for accurate, official voting information from the U.S. government to the American public. Our mission is to make it easy for all eligible voters to understand how to register and vote.
How to register in Kansas - Vote.gov
2024年11月18日 · Visit our partner site to find more information about voting in the United States.
How to register in Washington | Vote.gov
2024年11月18日 · Visit our partner site to find more information about voting in the United States. Sign up to get emails from USAGov about government benefits and services. Enter your email address
How to register in Wisconsin - Vote.gov
2024年11月18日 · Visit our partner site to find more information about voting in the United States.
How to register in Colorado | Vote.gov
2024年11月18日 · Visit our partner site to find more information about voting in the United States. Sign up to get emails from USAGov about government benefits and services. Enter your email address
Preparing to vote: age 18 and under | Vote.gov
Voting gives you the power to shape your future and be an active part of your community. Take the first step on your voting journey – register. You can pre-register before you turn 18 in most states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories, but you must be 18 to vote. Several states allow you to vote in primary elections at the age of ...
Voting while unhoused - Vote.gov
Find your voting location. The opening and closing times for voting locations vary by jurisdiction. Check with your state or local election office if you have any questions about your voting location. Voting by mail and absentee voting. Some states conduct elections entirely by mail.
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