Urban Development Overview - World Bank Group
2023年4月3日 · The World Bank’s work in urban development aims to build sustainable cities and communities through an urbanization process that is green, inclusive, competitive, and resilient, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No.11, to the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, as well as to the World Bank’s goals to end extreme poverty and boost shared …
Managing Nepal’s Urban Transition - World Bank Group
2013年4月1日 · A largely rural country, with only 17 percent of the population living in urban areas, Nepal is urbanizing rapidly. With a population of 2.5 million people, the Kathmandu Valley is growing at 4 percent per year, one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in South Asia, and the first region in Nepal to face the unprecedented challenges of ...
Building Sustainability in an Urbanizing World - World Bank Group
In 2011, the World Bank initiated the Partnership for Sustainable Cities, a group of leading urban actors with a mission to collaborate on city development around the world and foster city-led sustainable development. This synthesis paper, Building Sustainability in an Urbanizing World, is a product of the partnership’s early discussions.
Vietnam needs to seize its urbanization opportunities to become a ...
2012年4月5日 · “Vietnam is rapidly urbanizing,” said Victoria Kwakwa, Country Director for the World Bank in Vietnam. “The urbanization process will be an important part of Vietnam’s future and ensuring livable cities that can also compete regionally and globally will be a necessary part of Vietnam’s economic development strategy.”
Urbanization in India - World Bank Group
2011年9月22日 · Urbanization is not a side effect of economic growth; it is an integral part of the process. As in most countries, India's urban areas make a major contribution to the country's economy.
Augment, Connect, Target: Realizing Indonesia’s Urban Potential
A rapidly urbanizing Indonesia. Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous country, stands as a country transformed by urbanization. Today, about 151 million people – over half of Indonesians – live in cities and towns, roughly 18 times the population of London.
East Asia and Pacific Cities: Expanding Opportunities for the Urban …
Rapidly Urbanizing East Asia Pacific. Cities across East Asia and the Pacific are not delivering infrastructure, jobs, and services at a pace as rapid as urban development, leading to widening inequalities which may hamper economic growth and lead to social divisions, says a new World Bank report called Expanding Opportunities for the Urban Poor.
Changing the Environmental Trajectory to Build Sustainable Cities …
2017年6月1日 · A fast urbanizing Africa is rapidly degrading the natural capital of its cities. Unique features of Africa’s urbanization – such as substantially lower per capita incomes, high reliance on biomass fuels, extensive informal settlement with poor service levels, and the exposure of cities to environmental disasters, such as floods – are putting pressure on African cities’ natural ...
Urbanization Reviews - World Bank Group
2018年6月22日 · The World Bank's Urbanization Reviews offer a framework for city leaders to make tough decisions by providing diagnostic tools to identify policy distortions and analyze investment priorities.
Philippines: Building Competitive, Sustainable and Inclusive Cities
2017年5月29日 · The study, Philippines Urbanization Review: Fostering Competitive, Sustainable and Inclusive Cities, says the Philippines, one of the fastest urbanizing countries in East Asia, is at a critical juncture. Decisions made now will affect how cities grow and how people benefit from urbanization through economic growth, job creation and poverty ...