Talocalcaneal coalition - Podiatry Arena
2009年10月16日 · Talocalcaneal coalition is an abnormal bridge between talus and calcaneus, causing pain and restriction of subtalar movement; its incidence is less than 1 %. The signs and symptoms usually become manifest in the second decade of life with ossification of the lesion.
Talocalcaneal coalition | Page 2 | Podiatry Arena
2023年6月13日 · Talocalcaneal and calcaneonavicular coalitions are the most common. The talonavicular coalition is a rare entity with an incidence of approximately 1.3% among patients with tarsal coalitions. We present a case of a 12-year-old girl who had talonavicular and talocalcaneal coalitions associated with a recurrent ankle sprain.
The Double Medial Malleolus: A New Physical Finding in …
2016年6月5日 · It has been the observation of the senior author that there is a bony fullness or "double medial malleolus" over the middle facet as a consistent finding with most talocalcaneal coalitions (TCC). To document this observation, we reviewed records and radiographs in 3 …
Subfibular Impingement - Podiatry Arena
2018年10月9日 · Patients with posterior tibial tendonitis were retrospectively searched and reviewed. Subjects had documented flatfoot deformity, posterior tibial tenderness, weight-bearing plain radiographs, and a weight-bearing CT scan. CT scans were evaluated for calcaneofibular impingement on the coronal view and talocalcaneal impingement on the sagittal view.
STJ arthrofibrosis as a cause of ankle pain in children
2005年10月8日 · Arthrofibrosis involving the middle facet of the talocalcaneal joint in children and adolescents. Rassi GE, Riddle EC, Kumar SJ. J Bone Joint Surg...
Development of pes planovalgus in rheumatoid arthritis
2005年2月6日 · Selective attenuation to either the ligaments supporting the tibiotalar, talocalcaneal, and talonavicular joints or the medial ankle tendons followed by cyclic loading results in small but important changes in the orientation of the tarsal bones consistent with the development of pes planovalgus. (J Rheumatol 2005;32:268-74)
Ultrasound visibility of the sinus tarsi | Podiatry Arena
2014年12月16日 · Sonographic visibility of the sinus tarsi with a 12 MHz transducer Salvatore Massimo Stella, Barbara Ciampi, Eugenio Orsitto, Daniela Melchiorre,...
Outcome of surgical treatment for tarsal coalitions
2015年8月29日 · Talocalcaneal coalition management is still controversial. There are few long-term studies evaluating tarsal coalition resections. The purpose of this study was to assessment of early results of surgical management of symptomatic cases suffering from Tarsal Coalition Radiologically and also clinically regarding pain relief and functional outcome.
“Horseman” Procedure for Severe Idiopathic Flatfoot in Children
2018年10月17日 · The “horseman” procedure is a surgical technique used to correct the talocalcaneal joint displacement of severe idiopathic flatfoot in children while maintaining the reduction with a temporary talocalcaneal screw. While this technique has been used since the early 1960s, very little has been reported on its results.
Tarsal Coalitions in Adults - Podiatry Arena
2012年7月19日 · Talocalcaneal coalition had a significantly higher proportion of symptomatic patients associated with tarsal coalition than calcaneonavicular coalition (p = 0.019). Conclusion The prevalence of tarsal coalition was found to be 6%. Talocalcaneal coalition was the most common, and most talocalcaneal coalitions involved the posterior facet.