The Vegan Society
Founded in 1944, The Vegan Society is a registered educational charity that provides information and guidance on various aspects of veganism.
About The Vegan Society | Discover the First Vegan Charity
Learn more about The Vegan Society – the oldest vegan charity and authority on veganism. Find information about who we are, and our mission, vision, and strategy.
Vegan Nutrition | Vegan diets and health | Vegan health - The …
Read our health summary for information about the health aspect of going vegan.; Check out our Catering for Everyone resources for information relating to a range of settings, including hospitals.; Find out more about The Vegan Society’s VEG 1 supplement by taking a look at these frequently asked questions. UK Dietitian Azmina Govindji has written a book called Vegan …
Eating well for less | The Vegan Society
Article and recipe by Chantal Tomlinson. This article was first published in 2023 Issue 3. The Vegan is our quarterly in-house members’ exclusive magazine featuring interviews, reviews, recipes, deep dives into veganism, and more!
Vegan Lifestyle | Vegan Beyond Diet | Vegan Living - The Vegan …
Vegan-inclusive education not only encompasses the comprehensive understanding of veganism but also acknowledges it as a protected characteristic that schools...
Go Vegan | How to go Vegan? | Why go Vegan? - The Vegan …
Download our free VeGuide app, it's everything you need to start your vegan journey.
Why go vegan? - The Vegan Society
Well-planned vegan diets follow healthy eating guidelines, and contain all the nutrients that our bodies need. Both the British Dietetic Association and the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recognise that they are suitable for every age and stage of life. Some research has linked that there are certain health benefits to vegan diets with lower blood pressure and …
Vegan Living | How to be healthy on a vegan diet - The Vegan …
In our nutrition and health resources, you'll find lots of tips about getting the most out of your vegan lifestyle. They've been put together by our Dietitians Andrea and Emily.. You can find out more about our Dietitians, including their decision to …
How to Go Vegan | Vegan Meal Planning | Vegan Food - The …
It is worth setting aside a bit of time for research. Our nutrition overview is a great starting point. Here, you will find lots of useful information, including the Vegan Eatwell Guide.This information will help you to learn about balancing food groups, as well as giving you some knowledge of fortified foods and supplementation.
Key facts - The Vegan Society
Veganism attracts protection under Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights and ethical veganism is a protected characteristic for the purposes of the British Equality Act 2010. A well-planned vegan diet is suitable for everyone, a message that is supported by the British Dietetic Association. 2020 became the year that every one of the top ten UK supermarkets (by …