2024 – SarawakReport
2024年12月10日 · The ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organisation) and Sarawak Forestry Department have turned a deaf ear to complaints by NGOs and native communities about illegitimate logging in the conservation zone – the Penan Peace Park in Baram – funded by international donations and supposedly sponsored by both bodies.
Time To Walk The Talk Over Sarawak’s “Green Agenda” – Rescue …
2025年1月18日 · On the one hand, the state government of Sarawak is ever ready to tout its alleged green credentials and green agenda these days. Each initiative is now couched as “eco-friendly”: preserving “biodiversity” as the key to future scientific prosperity is recognised as paramount.. Yet, on the other hand, the truth of the situation is that less than 10% of the allegedly forested land bank ...
Sarawak’s Lip Service Only Eco-policies – SarawakReport
2024年8月27日 · Local people are being thrown off their agricultural land in order to allegedly expand national parks while, at the same time, genuine forest pledged for conservation is still being left open to timber raiders. As ever, the Sarawak State Government is at the service of the logging tycoons whilst playing only lip service to the desperate current battle to …
New Logging Licences For Cronies Whilst Natives Get Kicked Off …
2024年7月29日 · As the GPS government seeks to make a show of its eco-credentials (with an eye to making billions out of carbon trading) it comes as no surprise that, once again, it is native communities who are taking the brunt of the pain and hardship.
No Disaster Relief For The Victims Of GPS Logging!
2024年10月10日 · For the past five days the people of Long Panai in Baram have struggled to battle terrifying flood waters that have risen above the stilts of their longhouses to wash into their living quarters.
Time For Transparency In Sarawak – SarawakReport
2024年7月27日 · The Sarawak premier practices government by news announcement. Yet, self-serving announcements without proper transparency, access to the full facts or public scrutiny represent the stuff of totalitarian rule. Time and again the reality on the ground has proven to be the opposite of those newspaper claims. If the state wants clean investment and to join the clean energy race then it needs to ...
Malaysia’s Rainforest Threat Is Focused On Sarawak
2024年6月2日 · According to the latest report by the Malaysian environmental group RimbaWatch, the vast majority of remaining rainforest under grave threat from timber concessions is based in Sarawak – where the ruling party are pushing harder than ever for autonomy to pursue their cash ambitions.. The report released last week identifies that of 3.2 million hectares of forest threatened with obliteration ...
Samling’s Blueprint Carbon Venture Raises Red Flags For Sarawak …
2024年4月10日 · Samling’s pilot carbon credit project, sanctioned under new legislation by the state government, could make billions for the company but represents extremely poor value for the public say experts.. The Marudi Forest Conservation and Restoration Project (MFCRP) under the timber giant’s special purpose subsidiary, SaraCarbon, is currently being assessed by the controversial Verra ...
Bye Bye Crocodile? – SarawakReport
2024年1月31日 · Abdul Taib Mahmud was levered out of the Governorship of Sarawak a month before the end of his extended term of office. However, apart from that, he departed largely on his own terms: he had remained in the job, deemed to grant him immunity from his actions over four decades in office, well past his ability to perform the role or to be sensibly brought to justice.
EU Must Classify Sarawak Timber As “High Risk” Under New Rules …
2024年9月23日 · The EU is due to enforce the so-called EUDR regulations (European Union Deforestation-Free Products) next year.Under the EUDR the Commission will designate countries or parts thereof as under the categories of “low, standard, or high risk” by December 30, 2024, based on the likelihood of being compatible with the regulations.. Any product from a High Risk country would require EU member ...