Baltimore (MD) LODD Report Highlights Equipment Failures, Over …
On January 24, 2022 at 05:53 a.m. Baltimore firefighters were dispatched to a fire in an abandoned three-story rowhouse at 205 S. Stricker St. Moments earlier, a street camera captured an ...
The ISO’s Checklist for Fireground Safety - Firefighter Nation
2013年5月7日 · The ISO’s job is dynamic and complex. As such, effective ISOs have developed an incident scene management strategy involving checklists to divide their duties into manageable parts. Here, John ...
Fire Department Access Requirements - Firefighter Nation
2018年5月8日 · NFPA 1. NFPA 1 requires fire department access roads to meet much of the same criteria as the IFC. I will focus on the differences here. One additional requirement in NFPA 1 is that the access be ...
Cancer Prevention at the Firehouse - Firefighter Nation
2020年9月25日 · Hygiene. Hand washing: The University of Cincinnati 2 stated in its meta-analysis 2006 study that firefighters were more than twice as likely to develop testicular cancer. It also stated that the ...
The Company Officer: The Most Important Job in the Fire Service
2022年5月5日 · First and foremost, as the CO, you need to tell your people what your expectations are. I want you ready to go to work at 700 a.m. This means be on time and in uniform with your gear in the proper ...
A Closer Look at LUNAR - Firefighter Nation: Fire Rescue
2012年2月1日 · Being able to communicate effectively during a mayday situation could mean the difference between life and death. Homer Robertson reviews the well-known acronym LUNAR to reinforce the basic ...
The Why & When of Ventilation - Firefighter Nation
2012年5月1日 · When it comes to job functions, ladder companies have historically been tasked with ventilation as their bread and butter function. In ventilation training, a significant amount of time is spent ...
Firefighter Nation: Fire Rescue - Firefighting News and Community
Firefighter Nation is where firefighters go for news and information. Breaking fire news, commentary, and community for the American firefighter.
Probationary Firefighter Training Programs: Building Your Playbook
2024年12月31日 · A successful probationary firefighter training program must go beyond teaching technical skills—it should also integrate new members into the department’s culture.
The Four Warning Signs of Flashover - Firefighter Nation
2020年5月30日 · Rollover. Rollover is a reliable sign of a flashover but because of thick, black smoke it may not be visible. You may not be in the room that is on fire; therefore, you might not see it.