Current Workings of the Electoral College - Dave Leip's Atlas of …
After their caucuses and primaries, the major parties nominate their candidates for president and vice president in their national conventions - traditionally held in the summer preceding the election. (Third parties and independent candidates follow different procedures according to the individual State laws).
Report of the Commission on Federal Election Reform
2005年9月20日 · The Commission on Federal Election Reform, a twenty-one member commission co-chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker III, has released its report, Building Confidence in U.S. Elections. The commission was organized by American University’s Center for Democracy and Election Management and …
Election 2012 - The Atlas Weblog
The Colorado Office of the Secretary of State publishes a biennial report of official election results for the several elections held in the preceding two years. Often the results presented within this abstract differ from the on-line reports published on the agency website shortly after the election.
The Atlas Weblog - 15/25 - Site and Election Information Blog
Happy President’s Day! In honor of the past-serving presidents, there was a proposal put forth in 2004 by Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE) and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) that would place images of the Presidents on the obverse side of the $1 coins with the image of …
The Atlas Weblog - 4/25 - Site and Election Information Blog
2013年12月7日 · Purchased spreadsheet files from the Dave Leip’s Election Atlas store now include a new option to download county-level comma-separated value (csv) files that include the FIPS codes, county names, total vote, and vote data from each party/candidate – for the entire nation in one text-based file.