Fixative Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of FIXATIVE is something that fixes or sets.
FIXATIVE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
FIXATIVE meaning: 1. a substance that holds something in position: 2. a chemical used to treat photographic material…. Learn more.
Fixative : Types, Classification, Reaction - Medical Laboratory ...
Chemical or Physical Agents which are used to prevent and preserve the tissue are called fixatives. On the basis of working condition. 1. Aldehyde Fixatives: 2. Oxidizing Agents: 3. …
Fixative - Wikipedia
A fixative is a stabilizing or preservative agent: Dye fixatives or mordants, are chemical substances used in processing fabrics to create circumstances in the micro-substrates causing dye molecules to adhere and remain that way.
Fixation is a complete and complex physiochemical process wherein cells and tissues are chemically fixed for further analyses. Fixatives are used for Solidification, Hardening, Optical differentiation, prevention of autolysis and tissue putrefaction.
Meaning of fixative in English - Cambridge Dictionary
FIXATIVE definition: 1. a substance that holds something in position: 2. a chemical used to treat photographic material…. Learn more.
Fixation is considered as physiochemical process where cells or tissues are fixed chem-ically. Fixatives perform various functions such as prevention of autolysis and tissue putrefaction. Various fixative agents include formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, osmium tetroxide, glyoxal, picric acid, and so on.
Fixative | definition of fixative by Medical ... - Medical Dictionary
Serving to fix, bind, or make firm or stable. 2. A substance used for the preservation of gross and histologic specimens of tissue, or individual cells, usually by denaturing and precipitating or cross-linking the protein constituents. Medical Dictionary for …
FIXATIVE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
FIXATIVE definition: serving or tending to fix | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Fixative - definition of fixative by The Free Dictionary
1. serving to fix; making fixed or permanent. n. 2. a fixative substance, as a spray that prevents blurring on a drawing or a solution that preserves microscopic specimens. 3. a chemical substance, as sodium thiosulfate, used in photography to promote fixation.