meaning - What does "educated" mean in "educated guess"?
2010年8月22日 · An educated guess is a guess in which you take into account factors which might affect the outcome using reason. It is a term used to clarify that a guess is not one which …
Is an "informed guess" the same as an "educated guess"?
2012年7月6日 · An "educated guess" is a guess, but one that is based on circumstantial evidence. E.g. he notes that you are sporty, so an "educated guess" would be you liked …
What word means an educated guess? - Answers
2023年8月30日 · An educated guess, at least in a scientific context, is a hypothesis. An estimate is a word for an educated guess about facts or figures, or how much a job may …
What is a logical guess based on prior knowledge called?
2023年8月29日 · An educated guess is a hypothesis or prediction based on prior knowledge, reasoning, or evidence, rather than random speculation. It involves making an informed …
Explain why a hypothesis is not just a guess? - Answers
2023年8月11日 · Yes, a hypothesis is an educated guess or a proposed explanation to a phenomenon. It is based on prior knowledge and observations and serves as a starting point …
What is the difference between a "guess" and a "hunch"?
2011年7月1日 · A guess can drift from potshots to educated guesses and are considered more challengeable. Where a hunch simply describes your feelings or thoughts, a guess is expected …
What is another name for an educated guess? - Answers
An 'educated guess' is a guess based on certain knowledge that you already possess.Examples:1. You went on vacation and can't find your toothbrush."I can't find my …
What is an educational guess? - Answers
2024年5月1日 · An educated guess is one based on some amount of information. If you have no information you are guessing. If you have some information but not enough to know the …
What is An educated guess or testable statement is called?
2022年4月28日 · An educated guess, at least in a scientific context, is a hypothesis. An estimate is a word for an educated guess about facts or figures, or how much a job may …
What is the best word to describe making decisions based on the …
2015年10月15日 · An educated guess or a guesstimate. A ballpark estimate might work too. Guesstimate is defined by Webster's Unabridged as "an estimate formed without adequate …