Defensible Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of DEFENSIBLE is capable of being defended. How to use defensible in a sentence.
Meaning of defensible in English - Cambridge Dictionary
DEFENSIBLE definition: 1. able to be protected from attack, or able to be supported by argument: 2. able to be protected…. Learn more.
DEFENSIBLE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
DEFENSIBLE meaning: 1. able to be protected from attack, or able to be supported by argument: 2. able to be protected…. Learn more.
DEFENSIBLE Synonyms: 78 Similar and Opposite Words - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for DEFENSIBLE: defendable, defended, protected, secured, secure, tenable, guarded, shielded; Antonyms of DEFENSIBLE: indefensible, untenable, vulnerable, liable, open, susceptible, unprotected, undefended
Defensible - definition of defensible by The Free Dictionary
Define defensible. defensible synonyms, defensible pronunciation, defensible translation, English dictionary definition of defensible. adj. Capable of being defended, protected, or justified: defensible arguments. de·fen′si·bil′i·ty , de·fen′si·ble·ness n. de·fen′si·bly adv. American...
defensible adjective - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and …
able to be supported by reasons or arguments that show that it is right or should be allowed. Are these measures either morally or legally defensible? Is it morally defensible to deny legal advice to a prisoner? There is no defensible basis for this argument.
Defensible - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
Something that's defensible is excusable — you can defend it or justify it. Mistaking your friend for her twin sister, as awkward as it may be, is a defensible blunder.
DEFENSIBLE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
DEFENSIBLE definition: capable of being defended , as in war, an argument , etc | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Defensible Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
DEFENSIBLE meaning: 1 : able to be thought of as good or acceptable; 2 : able to be defended or protected able to be kept safe from damage or harm
DEFENSIBLE Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
adjective capable of being defended against assault or injury: The troops were bivouacked in a defensible position. that can be defended in argument; justifiable. Synonyms: warrantable, …