Watch our welcome video, featuring former Courage executive director, Father Philip Bochanski Courage & EnCourage near you Whether you experience same-sex attractions and are committed to following the Church’s teaching on chastity, or you have a family member or loved one who identifies as LGBT, you are not alone.
Courage - Courage International, Inc.
Courage is an international apostolate of the Catholic Church, which ministers to persons with same-sex ...
About - Courage International, Inc.
Courage members are men and women who experience same-sex attractions and who have made a commitment to strive for chastity. They are inspired by the Gospel call to holiness and the Catholic Church’s beautiful teachings about the goodness …
For Individuals - Courage International, Inc.
Courage International, Inc. is an apostolate of the Catholic Church which offers pastoral support to men and women experiencing same-sex attractions who have chosen to live a chaste life. Founded in 1980 by Fr. John Harvey, OSFS, at the request of the late Cardinal Terence Cooke, it has since expanded to over 175 Courage chapters worldwide.
Archdiocese of Dubuque - Dubuque - Courage International, Inc.
Courage Chapter: Dubuque, Iowa Contact: Fr. Bob Gross Phone: 563-580-5522 E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Resources - Courage International, Inc.
2014年10月14日 · These brochures may be printed for distribution. All are copyrighted by Courage International, Inc. and may not be altered in any way. Courage Brochure 2022 and EnCourage Brochure 2022 each provide a blank space in one of their panels onto which local contact information may be added by label or sticker.
FAQs - Courage International, Inc.
The focus of Courage ministry is the development of a life of interior chastity in union with Christ. Chastity itself is the fruit of a dynamic relationship with Christ based on love, discipleship, holiness, and charity. Courage believes with the Church that all persons are called to, and are capable of living, a life of holiness and chastity.
For Families - Courage International, Inc.
2024年6月25日 · EnCourage is a ministry within Courage dedicated to the spiritual needs of parents, siblings, children, and other relatives and friends of persons who have same-sex attractions. Standing by the true teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, EnCourage members support one another and their loved ones through discussion, prayer and fellowship.
Chat Groups Overview - Courage International, Inc.
We invite Courage & EnCourage members to participate in our new online chat groups! Chat groups are a great way to remain connected with your brothers and sisters in Christ – you can share stories, anecdotes, prayer requests, ask questions, and most importantly support one another in living out the goals of Courage & Encourage.
Contact Courage - Courage International, Inc.
For general inquiries about Courage, please call us at +1 (203) 803-1564, or email us by filling out the form below.