2024年11月7日 · Balanced, accurate discussions of over 250 controversial topics in the news along with chronologies, illustrations, maps, tables, sidebars, contact info, and bibliographies, including primary source documents and news editorials.
controversial issue is discussed by dividing the students into two small groups, then: 1. The teacher announces the controversial issue to be discussed. 2. Students in each group research the affirmative and negative of the issue. 3. Each group presents their arguments and attempts to refute arguments from the opposition group. 4.
irrelevant, too abstract, or removed from the real world, using a controversial issue can help to spark interest. They key here is to keep it tied to the material. You don’t want section to devolve into a discussion of current events. Rather, use real world problems to investigate what is at stake in the concepts of the class. For example:
2024年11月7日 · Read a general encyclopedia article on the top two or three topics you are considering. Reading a broad summary enables you to get an overview of the topic and see how your idea relates to broader, narrower, and related issues.
controversial issues "can promote positive, democratic political attitudes" (VanSickle 1983), some people suggest that controversy has no place in public education. WHAT ISSUES/CURRICULAR AREAS ARE CONSIDERED CONTROVERSIAL? Generally speaking, an issue which tends to create polarized viewpoints may be considered controversial.
I. Issue and Question (1) Select an issue related to this topic from those on this page.€ Write the issue title below. € € Select a question related to this issue.€ Click€the issue title to see a list of questions.€Write the question below. € € € II. Summarize Arguments € (opposite side of this page)€ --> € € III ...
2024年12月19日 · This database is a collection of full and short reports on current and controversial issues, including the opioid crisis. The full reports contain several sections including, overview, background, outlook, chronology, and pro/con, to give you a more complete understanding of the issue. Short reports are brief updates on a topic.
MAY ISSUE VERSUS SHALL ISSUE: EXPLAINING THE PATTERN OF CONCEALED-CARRY HANDGUN LAWS, 1960–2001 RICHARD S. GROSSMAN and STEPHEN A. LEE* We analyze the timing and pattern of adoption of ‘‘shall issue’’ concealed-carry handgun laws. ‘‘Shall issue’’ laws require the authorities to issue permits to qualified
ProCon.org is the country's leading source for pro, con, and related research on controversial issues. Its mission is to promote critical thinking, education, and informed citizenship by presenting controversial issues in a straightforward, nonpartisan, and …