Aggressive yoyo loaches? - Loaches Online Forum
2006年2月11日 · Hi, I've known for a fact that yoyo loaches are semi-aggressive but by getting a group of them, the aggressiveness should spread out somewhat. I have 7 yoyo loaches and 8 clown loaches in my 100 gallon tank. The yoyos range from 1.5" to 2.5" and the clowns range from 1.5" to 3". Other fish in the tank include: - Cardinals - Zebra Danios ...
clown loach compatibility with angelfish, zebra loaches, yoyo and …
2022年1月1日 · clown loach compatibility with angelfish, zebra loaches, yoyo and pleco Post by anewbie » Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:54 pm I currently have a 120 with 6 clown loaches, 10 zebra loaches, 2 yoyo (long story i know i need more), 7 angelfishes and 5 pleco (l204 and bn).
Moving mishap left solo Yoyo Loach - Loaches Online Forum
2006年2月18日 · I have a 20H tank in which, since 2002, there has resided a Yoyo (or Pakistani) Loach (I bought 2 loaches, but one jumped the tank within the first few weeks). Old age, disease, or the occasional mishap have meant that the loach has lived with various other fish during this time. Recently, I've kept tiger barbs in the tank.
Yoyo loach - Aggressive behaviour? - Loaches Online Forum
2006年2月11日 · I have recently added 8 Yoyo loaches to my 360L tank. I have 20 rummynoses and 16 cardinals, all tetras are mature and have been in the tank for over a year now. The other fish in the tank are 18 clown loaches.
Very Fat Yoyo Loach - Loaches Online Forum
2010年12月20日 · Re: Very Fat Yoyo Loach Post by puppylov14 » Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:59 am I'm sad to hear that she might get sick BUT we do have a male in the tank and he seems to be very interested in her.
Yoyo loach in community tank - Loaches Online Forum
2012年9月13日 · I also have 1 yoyo loach. Aprox 4inches long. I have had it for a few weeks now & its my fave fish. The fish shop i got it from said it would be ok in my tank & ok kept alone. I have since read many different reports on yoyos being good & bad for such a setup so I thought i'd ask the real experts their thoughts!
Kuhli in small tank - Loaches Online Forum
2014年4月1日 · Note: Yoyo Loach on rare occasions will reach up to 10 inches in size. Warning: Yoyo Loach is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 6 inches. Warning: At least 3 x Yoyo Loach are recommended in a group. Warning: Red Cherry Shrimp may become food for Yoyo Loach.
Loach recommendation for a 55g - Loaches Online Forum
2015年11月8日 · Yoyo Loaches can catch and eat fish the size of Neon Tetras. I would go with a smaller Loach, such as the Zebra. I have kept Zebras with a breeding colony of Enders, and the colony of Endlers kept on growing. B. kubotai might work, too, though I have only kept them with similar sized fish.
yoyo loach is sick or acting - Loaches Online Forum
2006年12月5日 · Yoyo's, especially young ones, wll eat pretty much everything: from bloodworms, which are highly desired, down to algae wafers. A loach that would turn down both frozen bloodworms AND frozen shrimp is probably unwell.
yoyo loaches and clown loaches. - Loaches Online Forum
2008年7月13日 · The knowledge base upon which we rely is a group effort - which has been developed by hundreds of loach keepers, and expert aquarists with a vast cumulative knowledge built on experience first hand. One of the basic beliefs held by LOL is that most Botiid loaches ( B. almorhae included) should in all cases be kept in numbers of their own species.