  1. World Axis cosmology - Forgotten Realms Wiki

    • The World Axis was a cosmological model created after the dramatic changes to the nature of the multiverse caused by the Spellplague of 1385 DR, and quickly became the most widely accepted model during the lat… 展开

    Basic Structure

    The World Axis was composed primarily of the fundamental and parallel planes. "Above" and "below," the fundamental planes encircled the rest of the cosmology, forming hemispheres in the conceptual model, though si… 展开

    Prime Material Plane

    Also called the natural world, mortal world, or simply the Prime, this plane laid at the center of the World Axis. While changed, the Prime continued to exist in spite of the changes wrought by the Spellplague, stable and at the cente… 展开

    Fundamental Planes

    Surrounding the Prime and the parallel planes were the two fundamental planes: the Astral Sea and the Elemental Chaos. The fundamental planes, according to common theory, were the basis from which all the other plan… 展开