Harvest Reports - U.S. Wheat Associates
2024年9月13日 · With continued favorable weather, HRS harvest is nearly 95% complete and currently grades a U.S. No. 1 Northern Spring. The northern durum is nearly 90% harvested and now grades a U.S. No. 1 Hard Amber Durum.
United States - Crop Calendar - USDA
Monthly Crop Stage and Harvest Calendars; Monthly Production and Trade Maps; Other Global USDA Reports. World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) USDA Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin (NASS/WAOB) PSD Online; FAS Attache GAIN Reports; PS&D Market and Trade Data; Help ; About Us
How to Follow the U.S. Wheat Harvest by Class and State
2022年6月23日 · Learn how you can follow the U.S. wheat harvest by state below. Wheat harvest in Kansas typically begins in early to mid-June and is complete by mid-July. It starts in the south-central part of the state and moves north and west. Harvest reports are typically published online Sunday through Thursday during the harvest season.
Wheat | Economic Research Service - USDA ERS
2025年1月27日 · Wheat ranks third among U.S. field crops in planted acreage, production, and gross farm receipts—behind corn and soybeans. In marketing year 2024/25, U.S. farmers produced a total of 2.0 billion bushels of Winter, Durum, and Other Spring wheat from a harvested area of 38.5 million acres.
United States Wheat Area, Yield and Production - USDA
Monthly Crop Stage and Harvest Calendars; Monthly Production and Trade Maps; ... United States Wheat Area, Yield and Production. Market Area Production Yield; Year (1000 Ha) (1000 Tons) (T/Ha) 2014/2015: 18,771: 55,147: 2.94: 2015/2016: 19,149: 56,117: ...
Wheat Data | Economic Research Service - USDA ERS
2025年1月27日 · This data product contains summary statistics on the five classes of wheat: Hard Red Winter, Hard Red Spring, Soft Red Winter, White, and Durum and rye. This product includes data published in the monthly Wheat Outlook and monthly updates to the Wheat Yearbook tables.
WEEKLY HARVEST REPORT – June 21, 2024 Combines are moving again after heavy rain slowed HRW harvest progress from Texas to Kansas; 85 samples are now in the lab. Record breaking high temperatures are being set across the …
Wheat - Wheat Sector at a Glance | Economic Research Service - USDA …
2025年1月27日 · Spring and Durum wheat are typically planted as soon as soil conditions permit in mid-March through May and are harvested in the late summer or fall of the same year. Spring wheat typically constitutes about 25–30 percent of total U.S. wheat production, or 340 million to more than 600 million bushels.
2023 wheat harvest shocks with better-than-expected yields
2023年10月10日 · With peak winter wheat sowing activities ramping up over the next couple months, the implications of a better-than-expected 2023 wheat harvest – lower prices – could deter U.S. farmers from pursuing winter wheat acreage in the upcoming 2024 growing season.
Wheat production in the United States - Wikipedia
In 2002, 50% of the U.S. wheat crop was exported, while 36% was consumed by the American population, and 10% was fed to livestock, with the remaining 4% set aside for seed. Wheat harvesting covers a land area of 60–63 million acres [1] (around 25 million hectares).