Village of Bartlett | Home
WiFi at Bartlett Metra Station; Driver's Licenses; Voter Information. Political Sign Guidelines; Living With Wildlife; Bartlett Cemetery; Bartlett Community Garden
Water & Sewer Services | Village of Bartlett
To begin or terminate water service, call Bartlett Village Hall at 630-837-0800. One monthly bill is sent for both water and sewer service. If payment is not made by the due date, a penalty equal to 10% of the bill will be added.
Administration | Village of Bartlett
The village administrator is responsible for carrying out the board’s policies and overseeing the day-to-day operations of the village. The staff works directly with the village board and coordinates policies and services with all village departments.
Government Transparency | Village of Bartlett
The Village of Bartlett has a Council-Manager form of government. A village clerk, six trustees and a village president are elected in nonpartisan, at-large, elections. They are elected for four year terms.
Village Board of Trustees | Village of Bartlett
The Village of Bartlett has a president-trustee form of government. A village clerk, six trustees and a village president are elected in nonpartisan, at-large elections. They are elected for four-year terms.
Planning & Development Services | Village of Bartlett
The department is responsible for all zoning reviews, building permits, inspections, property maintenance, health inspections and code enforcement for the village. Building Division …
Belong in Bartlett Community Events | Village of Bartlett
2025年1月21日 · Whether you’re a resident, a first-time or occasional visitor or a business leader, you belong in Bartlett. Because it’s home. Watch the WGN video below to see why you should join the Bartlett community for exciting seasonal events like Restaurant Week!
Belong in Bartlett | Village of Bartlett
For residents, We Belong in Bartlett serves to connect us together. Look for Belong in Bartlett t-shirts, signs, activities and social media around the village in the year to come. You will see it on TV, radio and on digital media as well, telling the Belong in Bartlett story.
Building Division | Village of Bartlett
Village of Bartlett . 228 S. Main Street, IL 60103 (630) 837-0800. Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. View Full Site ...
Public Works | Village of Bartlett
There are three divisions in the Bartlett Public Works Department - Streets, Water and Wastewater. Streets is the largest of the three divisions. Streets staff are responsible for maintaining the Village right-of-ways and most other Village properties, including the cemetery and commuter parking lots.