  1. Ventricular escape beat - Wikipedia

    • In cardiology, a ventricular escape beat is a self-generated electrical discharge initiated by, and causing contraction of the ventricles of the heart; normally the heart rhythm is begun in the atria of the heart and is subsequently transmitted to the ventricles. The ventricular escape beat follows a long pause in ventricular rhythm and acts to prevent cardiac arrest. It indicates … 展开


    Ventricular escape beats occur when the rate of electrical discharge reaching the ventricles (normally initiated by the h… 展开


    An electrocardiogram can be used to identify a ventricular escape beat. The QRS portion of the electrocardiogram represents the ventricular depolarisation; in normal circumstances the QRS complex forms a sharp sudden pe… 展开


    Third degree AV block can be treated with Cilostazol which acts to increase Ventricular escape rate
    Ouabain infusion decreases ventricular escape time and increases ventricular escape rhythm. … 展开