It's Elemental - The Element Tellurium - Thomas Jefferson National ...
Tellurium was discovered by Franz Joseph Müller von Reichenstein, a Romanian mining official, in 1782. Reichenstein was the chief inspector of all mines, smelters and saltworks in Transylvania. He also had an interest in chemistry and extracted a new metal from an ore of gold , known as aurum album, which he believed was antimony .
It's Elemental - The Element Tellurium - Thomas Jefferson National ...
The Element Tellurium - Known Isotopes. Most of the isotope data on this site has been obtained from the National Nuclear Data Center.
It's Elemental - The Element Selenium
Originally believing the material was tellurium, Berzelius eventually realized that it was actually a previously unknown element. Selenium occurs in minerals such as eucairite (CuAgSe), crooksite (CuThSe) and clausthalite (PbSe), but these minerals …
It's Elemental - The Element Gold
An attractive and highly valued metal, gold has been known for at least 5500 years. Gold is sometimes found free in nature but it is usually found in conjunction with silver, quartz (SiO 2), calcite (CaCO 3), lead, tellurium, zinc or copper. There is roughly 1 milligram of gold dissolved in every ton of seawater, although extracting it ...
It's Elemental - The Element Thallium - Thomas Jefferson National ...
Rather than seeing the yellow spectral lines produced by tellurium, he observed a bright green line that no one had ever seen before. He named the new element that was producing the green line thallium, after the greek word for 'green twig', thallos.
It's Elemental - The Element Iodine - Thomas Jefferson National ...
Iodine was discovered by the French chemist Barnard Courtois in 1811. Courtois was extracting sodium and potassium compounds from seaweed ash.
2016年10月28日 · The Periodic Table of Elements C 6 CARBON Atomic Number Chemical Symbol Atomic Weight Chemical Name = Solid at room temperature
2016年6月8日 · The Periodic Table of Elements C 6 CARBON 12 Atomic Number Chemical Symbol Atomic Weight Chemical Name = Number of Protons = Number of Electrons
It's Elemental - The Periodic Table of Elements - Elements Listed by ...
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is managed by. Jefferson Science Associates, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy
It's Elemental - The Element Antimony - Thomas Jefferson National ...
Antimony has been known since ancient times. It is sometimes found free in nature, but is usually obtained from the ores stibnite (Sb 2 S 3) and valentinite (Sb 2 O 3).