  1. Copilot 答案

    Traditional and Roth TSP contributions

    • Learn how to choose between Roth and traditional TSP for your retirement savings and tax benefits. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each option and how they affect your income tax rate and w… 展开

    A Choice of Tax Treatments

    Your decision about Roth and traditional TSP is a choice of when you pay income tax on your TSP c… 展开

    The Thrift Savings Pla…
    Roth Tsp

    With Roth TSP, your contributions go into the TSP after tax withholding. That means you pay taxes on your contributions at your current income tax rate. The advantage of the Roth TSP is t… 展开

    The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
    Traditional Tsp

    With traditional TSP, your contributions go into the TSP before tax withholding, which can potentially lower your current income tax rate. But when you take money from your traditional T… 展开

    The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
    A Mix of Both Roth and Traditional Tsp

    You may consider splitting your contributions between Roth and traditional. Note that if you receive automatic or matching contributions from your agency or service, those co… 展开

    The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)