GitHub - Tessil/sparse-map: C++ implementation of a memory …
To use sparse-map, just add the include directory to your include path. It is a header-only library. If you use CMake, you can also use the tsl::sparse_map exported target from the CMakeLists.txt with target_link_libraries.
sparse-map: Main Page - GitHub Pages
2013年1月8日 · The sparse-map library is a C++ implementation of a memory efficient hash map and hash set. It uses open-addressing with sparse quadratic probing. The goal of the library is to be the most memory efficient possible, even at low …
C++ | Hash性能详尽测试 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年9月25日 · Hash和Map的区别,是底层的实现,hash一般是数组+散列的思想,而Map一般是红黑树,或者其他的树。 STL中的哈希表有std::map, std::unordered_map,可以很快找到key对应的Value值。 map底层是基于 红黑树 实现的,因此map内部元素排列是有
greg7mdp/sparsepp: A fast, memory efficient hash map for C++ - GitHub
The following example demonstrates how a simple sparse_hash_map can be written to a file, and then read back. The serializer we use read and writes to a file using the stdio APIs, but it would be equally simple to write a serialized using the stream APIS:
开源项目 Sparse-Map 使用教程 - CSDN博客
2024年8月26日 · Sparse-Map 项目的启动文件是 include/tsl/sparse_map.h。这个头文件包含了 Sparse-Map 的主要接口和实现细节。用户在使用 Sparse-Map 时,需要包含这个头文件: #include <tsl/sparse_map.h> 项目的配置文件介绍. Sparse-Map 项目的配置文件主要是 tests/CMakeLists.txt。这个文件用于配置和 ...
2024年8月29日 · Sparse-Map提供四个主要类:tsl::sparse_map、tsl::sparse_set以及它们的_prime版本(tsl::sparse_pg_map、tsl::sparse_pg_set)。前者采用指数增长策略,更侧重速度;后者则利用质数增长策略,适合于应对较差的散列函数造成的模式重复问题。
开源项目 sparse-map 常见问题解决方案 - CSDN博客
2024年11月21日 · sparse-map 使用开放寻址和稀疏二次探测技术,提供了四种主要类:tsl::sparse_map、tsl::sparse_set、tsl::sparse_pg_map 和 tsl::sparse_pg_set。前两者使用2的幂增长策略,后两者使用素数增长策略,更适合处理哈希函数较差的情况。
sparse-map: tsl::sparse_map< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator ...
2013年1月8日 · class tsl::sparse_map< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, GrowthPolicy, ExceptionSafety, Sparsity > Implementation of a sparse hash map using open-addressing with quadratic probing. The goal on the hash map is to be the most memory efficient possible, even at low load factor, while keeping reasonable performances.
GitHub - sparsehash/sparsehash: C++ associative containers
PERFORMANCE ----- You can compile and run the included file time_hash_map.cc to examine the performance of sparse_hash_map, dense_hash_map, and your native hash_map implementation on your system.
Benchmark of major hash maps implementations - GitHub Pages
2016年8月29日 · If you are storing small objects (< 32 bytes) with a trivial key comparator, tsl::sparse_map should be your go to hash map. Even though it is quite slow on insertions, it offers a good balance between lookup speed and memory usage, even at low load factor.