How does the Sleep spell work? - Role-playing Games Stack …
2020年2月7日 · I just started playing AD&D 1E, and I am trying to understand how the Sleep spell works. I'm confused by the table and the DM's advice: HD/ Number Affected up to 1/ 4d4; 1+1 to 2/ 2d4 ; 2+1 to 3/ 1d4 ; 3+1 to 4/ 1d2 ; 4+1 to 4+4/ 1d2-1; DM's Advice: In a mixed group, the spell affects the lowest HD or levels first.
Is there any other effect that induces sleep other than the Sleep …
2018年6月7日 · The sleep spell states. This spell sends creatures into a magical slumber. Roll 5d8; the total is how many hit points of creatures this spell can affect. Creatures within 20 feet of a point you choose within range are affected in ascending order of their current hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures).
In what order are creatures affected by the Sleep spell?
2014年12月27日 · I thought I understood the sleep spell, but now I'm confused about the order of creatures affected. I always thought it was from lowest current HP to highest. However, near the end of the spell description, it says (emphasis mine): Subtract each creature’s hit points from the total before moving on to the creature with the next lowest hit points.
When is the 2024 sleep spell likely to remove more targets from …
2024年10月30日 · Under many older rule sets, including the 2014 rules, the sleep spell was one of the most effective options for first level casters for removing multiple opponents from combat. Most opponents early on have few hp, and sleep could be cast safely from the back rank, while other options like burning hands or thunderwave needed you to get into ...
dnd 5e 2014 - How does the Sleep spell interact with undead?
The sleep spell description (PHB, page 276) says to roll 5d8 to determine the total HP of creatures that can be affected, starting from the lowest hit points. Undead and creatures immune to charm are not affected by this spell. Assuming I have a human wizard with 20 health, a zombie rat with 5 health, and a sleep spell
At what level does the Sleep spell stop being effective?
2022年10月1日 · Answering this homebrew question reminded me of the peculiar nature of the sleep spell -- on level one, it is an absolute beast: common opponents like kobolds or goblins have around half a dozen hp, so the 5d8 hp sleep effect on average removes three or even four of them, with a single action and no save. And even removing a single opponent ...
What happens if I cast the Command spell and command a …
2018年3月17日 · Rules designer Jeremy Crawford unofficially addressed a similar question regarding the suggestion spell in a pair of tweets from December 2017: if I use suggestions to tell someone to “go to sleep” do I have an 8 hour sleep spell? The suggestion spell allows you to compel someone to pursue a course of activity.
dnd 5e 2014 - Role-playing Games Stack Exchange
2018年6月7日 · The sleep spell (PHB 276) states: This spell sends creatures into a magical slumber. Roll 5d8; the total is how many hit points of creatures this spell can affect. This and other similar spells...
What are the effects of magical sleep for a long rest?
2023年7月15日 · What spell is this about? There are actually very few spells in the core rules to which this could apply, so the question feels a bit hypothetical. The following spells in the PHB can put a character to sleep: Sleep (obviously). This one last only for 1 minute, so does not apply here. Eyebite (Asleep option). Again, lasts only up to 1 minute ...
dnd 5e 2014 - Role-playing Games Stack Exchange
2017年11月30日 · So in that situation either the Elves are completely immune and the sleep spell entirely wallops the lone human, or they soak up some of the effectiveness of the sleep spell and their natural immunity makes the magic less effective. Sleep says "aren't affected by this spell." Fey Ancestry says "magic can't put you to sleep."