Present your data in a Gantt chart in Excel - Microsoft Support
Need to show status for a simple project schedule with a Gantt chart? Though Excel doesn’t have a predefined Gantt chart type, you can create one using these free Gantt chart templates.
Use a wizard to create a Gantt Chart - Microsoft Support
Looking for a little help creating a Gantt Chart? Use the Gantt Chart Wizard to end up with the chart you want. Before you start, you’ll need to add the Gantt Chart Wizard to the Project ribbon.
Præsentere dine data i et Gantt-diagram i Excel
Har du brug for at vise status for en simpel projekttidsplan med et Gantt-diagram? Selvom Excel ikke har en foruddefineret Gantt-diagramtype, kan du oprette en ved hjælp af disse gratis Gantt-diagramskabeloner.
Format the bar chart of a Gantt Chart view - Microsoft Support
This topic instructs users on the various ways they can format the bar chart of a Gantt Chart view in Microsoft Project 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016.
Work with the Gantt Chart view - Microsoft Support
The Gantt Chart view is the most commonly used view in Project. It lists the tasks in your project, and illustrates their relationship to one another and the schedule using Gantt bars. The Gantt Chart view is the default view for new projects.
Save a custom chart as a template - Microsoft Support
Learn how to save a chart as a template. Create an Excel chart template to reuse a chart and apply it to other data to create a similar chart.
Create a timeline - Microsoft Support
Get Microsoft timeline templates Create a timeline When you want to show a sequence of events, such as project milestones or events, you can use a SmartArt graphic timeline.
Share schedule and task details with a Visio Gantt chart
A Gantt chart helps you schedule your project tasks and track your progress. To communicate detailed task and schedule information to managers or other team members, you can create a Gantt chart in Visio that includes tasks, milestones, dependencies, timescales, and more.
Adatok ábrázolása Excel programbeli Gantt-diagramon
Megtudhatja, hogyan hozhat létre Gantt-diagramot az Excelben. Gantt-diagram létrehozása az adatok bemutatásához, a projekttevékenységek ütemezéséhez vagy a haladás nyomon követéséhez az Excelben.
Create a waterfall chart - Microsoft Support
Use the waterfall chart to quickly see positive and negative values impacting a subtotal or total value. Waterfall charts are often used to visualize financial statements, and are sometimes called bridge charts.