Scratch - Scratch Offline Editor
How do I update the Scratch app? To update Scratch for Windows from this page, download the latest version and install. To check which version you have, click the Scratch logo in the downloaded app. When will you have the Scratch app available for Linux? The Scratch app is currently not supported on Linux.
Scratch - Scratch Link Download
Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
Scratch - Scratch 2.0
Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor. You can install the Scratch 2.0 editor to work on projects without an internet connection. This version will work on Windows and MacOS.
Scratch Offline Editor
You can install the Scratch 2.0 editor to work on projects without an internet connection. This version will work on Mac, Windows, and some versions of Linux (32 bit). Note for Mac Users: the latest version of Scratch 2.0 Offline requires Adobe Air 20.
File/URI association for Desktop app - Discuss Scratch
2020年1月4日 · URI is the ability to open a project in your desktop app, by simply opening a link in your browser. e.g. scratch://project_id from a button on the Scratch web layout, or in the menu as PUNNAMOODU suggested.
Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share
Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
Start by launching Scratch Desktop If Scratch Desktop is not already installed on your computer, you will need to install it. There are two versions of the Scratch offline editor available: Use Scratch Desktop 3.0 If your computer is running Windows 10 or higher, or macOS 10.13 or higher. Use Scratch 2 if your computer uses an older operating ...
is the scratch app any different from the website? - Discuss Scratch
2022年11月9日 · The Scratch app is practically identical to the browser version, just forced in fullscreen. There might be some optimizations and may run better on mobile, but I don't think it's all too major. The desktop app is similar, though I believe the …
How do I upload projects made in Scratch 3.0 desktop app?
2019年8月25日 · How to upload a project from Scratch Desktop to the scratch website You just need to: Save your project to your computer in Scratch Desktop; Create a new project on the website; Load from your computer in the online editor
Use Scratch 2 if your computer uses an older operating system. Use Scratch Desktop 3.0 If your computer is running Windows 10 or higher, or macOS 10.13 or higher. If you are using that version, use the Getting Started with Scratch 3 booklet and materials. You can also use Scratch online at: scratch.mit.edu