A scapular (from Latin scapulae, "shoulders") is a Western Christian garment suspended from the shoulders. There are two types of scapulars, the monastic and devotional scapular; both forms may simply be referred to as "scapular".
From this “apron” developed a special monastic garment to be worn by specific religious orders. The scapular, in its original form, was often referred to as jugum Christi, or the yoke of Christ, and was even worn at bedtime.
2024年4月19日 · Many Catholics wear a scapular. In fact, those who wear it are rarely without it except perhaps when bathing. It is as much a part of us as a wedding band, a symbol that signifies our love or commitment to another; in this case to the Blessed Mother and through her to our Lord Jesus Christ.
2019年3月18日 · A scapular is made of two rectangular squares of cloth attached by strings. It is placed over the head, and worn with one square in front and the other in back. The word "scapular" comes from the Latin word scapula, which means “shoulder blade.” A scapular is …
It consists essentially of a piece of cloth about the width of the breast from one shoulder to the other (i.e., about fourteen to eighteen inches), and of such a length that it reaches not quite to the feet in front and behind. There are also shorter forms of the scapular.
2022年7月16日 · A scapular is a piece of cloth, worn by both religious and laity, that is placed over the shoulders and has a variety of symbolism. One of the most popular devotions in the Catholic Church is the...