sql - Insert into ... values ( SELECT ... FROM ... - Stack Overflow
2008年8月25日 · I am trying to INSERT INTO a table using the input from another table. Although this is entirely feasible for many database engines, I always seem to struggle to remember the correct syntax for the SQL engine of the day ( MySQL …
SQL Server Insert Example - Stack Overflow
Here are 4 ways to insert data into a table. Simple insertion when the table column sequence is known. INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (1,2,...) Simple insertion into specified columns of the table. INSERT INTO Table1(col2,col4) VALUES (1,2) Bulk insertion when... You wish to insert every column of Table2 into Table1; You know the column sequence of ...
Insert all values of a table into another table in SQL
The INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM syntax is for when the table you're inserting into ("new_table" in my example above) already exists. As others have said, the SELECT ... INTO syntax is for when you want to create the new table as part of the command. You didn't specify whether the new table needs to be created as part of the command, so INSERT ...
Inserting multiple rows in a single SQL query? - Stack Overflow
2009年1月17日 · In SQL Server 2008 you can insert multiple rows using a single INSERT statement. INSERT INTO MyTable ( Column1, Column2 ) VALUES ( Value1, Value2 ), ( Value1, Value2 ) For reference to this have a look at MOC Course 2778A - …
sql - Inserting data into a temporary table - Stack Overflow
2020年11月25日 · insert into #temptable (col1, col2, col3) select col1, col2, col3 from othertable Note that this is considered poor practice: insert into #temptable select col1, col2, col3 from othertable If the definition of the temp table were to change, the code could fail at runtime.
sql - INSERT vs INSERT INTO - Stack Overflow
They are the same thing, INTO is completely optional in T-SQL (other SQL dialects may differ). Contrary to the other answers, I think it impairs readability to use INTO . I think it is a conceptional thing: In my perception, I am not inserting a row into a table named "Customer", but I …
SELECT INTO a table variable in T-SQL - Stack Overflow
2010年10月1日 · **Step 2: ** Insert Some value in Temp table . insert into #tblom_temp values('Om Pandey',102,1347) Step 3: Declare a table Variable to hold temp table data. declare @tblOm_Variable table( Name Varchar(100), Age int, RollNumber bigint ) Step 4: select value from temp table and insert into table variable.
SQL Server INSERT INTO with WHERE clause - Stack Overflow
Ok, looks like I actually need to just do an insert into the Payments table that has the correct CustomerID, as there are currently no Payments with that CustomerID, so I cannot update it. I ran INSERT INTO Payments (CustomerID, Amount, PaymentTypeID) Values ('145300', 24.99, 8); and then SELECT * FROM Payments WHERE Payments.CustomerID ...
sql - How to do INSERT into a table records extracted from …
2016年4月15日 · You have two syntax options: Option 1. CREATE TABLE Table1 ( id int identity(1, 1) not null, LongIntColumn1 int, CurrencyColumn money ) CREATE TABLE Table2 ( id int identity(1, 1) not null, LongIntColumn2 int, CurrencyColumn2 money ) INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES(12, 12.00) INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES(11, 13.00) INSERT INTO Table2 …
sql - How to insert date values into table - Stack Overflow
2015年12月17日 · SQL> COMMIT; Commit complete. SQL> SELECT * FROM t; DOB ----- 17/12/2015 A DATE data type contains both date and time elements. If you are not concerned about the time portion, then you could also use the ANSI Date literal which uses a fixed format 'YYYY-MM-DD' and is NLS independent. For example, SQL> INSERT INTO t(dob) …