orthography - "Real time", "real-time" or "realtime" - English …
Note, how "real time" is a noun, whereas "real-time" is an adjective. Looking at the Google Ngrams Viewer: Interesting to note that "real-time" doesn't seem to appear much in books, but perhaps the reason is because it was coined to describe computing, and hence may be used a lot on the internet, but not in books.
Other ways to say 'take your time' / 'whenever you can' / 'no rush'?
2018年3月25日 · "at a time suitable to you"1. Another turn of phrase is (see this question and its comments for information about the use of this phrase): At a time of your choosing. Attribution. 1 "Definition of 'at Your Convenience'." At Your Convenience Definition and Meaning | Collins English Dictionary. Accessed March 25, 2018.
Is "tri-quarterly" a real English word meaning 3 times a year?
2013年3月30日 · @Peter Also confusingly trimester is used when referring to human pregnancy. In this context there are three trimesters in a full-term pregnancy each trimester being roughly three months or thirteen weeks long.
Saying something is "for real" vs just saying something is "real"
2022年4月1日 · To be fair, that dictionary also gives genuine as one definition of just plain "real", but I do think that "for real" is much more about legitimacy than "real", to the point that there is a definite difference in meaning. Consider the following examples (mine, this time): A: I don't think this pizza is real. B: I don't think this pizza is for real.
What's the job title for temporary position when the real one is …
2014年8月6日 · A person appointed by a company's board of directors to assume the role of chief executive officer during a time of transition or as the result of the sudden departure of the company's previous CEO. These CEOs are tagged with the "interim" tag due to the fact that they have not officially been given the title of full-time CEO.
Use of a hyphen with the word "based"
2014年11月10日 · In most U.S. English style guides, the decision about whether to double- or single-hyphenate a phrase such as "spherical Gaussian based approximations" rests on whether the first word in the string attaches primarily to the noun or …
word choice - "Through the course" vs. "over the course" - English ...
Elapsed time and stated occurrence/s on a whole is the intended message. In contrast, "through the course of", particularly emphasizes a more real-time, perhaps thorough, and/or minutiae-based treatment of said occurrence/s during said designated period of time.
What are more formal synonyms for "telephone tag"?
2014年2月11日 · Both parties may leave a message on the answering machine or voicemail of the other, and request a call back. This continues for a period of time, often with the two parties exchanging attempts to have a real-time conversation.[1] The name derives from the playground game tag, where players chase one another in turn.
What is the difference between "accumulative" and "cumulative"?
Cumulative means having built up or accumulated over time. E.g. something has a cumulative effect, or is a cumulative result of something. It is more specific in meaning than 'accumulative', in that it is about a definite build up of one thing after another, as opposed to …
grammar - What is the correct way to write the statement …
Those who do will be those who have had a thorough grounding in British or American standard usageGiven that a pretty huge population in India uses the term for communication with one another, I think it is about time that English users from other countries recognise that there exists an unwritten Indian English Standard, and it would be better ...