Arachnoid Cyst - Mayo Clinic Connect
2011年7月22日 · Hi there. I was diagnosed with a very large posterior fossa arachnoid cyst. 12 cm and stable--it's been reviewed over 4 years with no change. I have severe migraines from time to time, hemiplegic and sometimes associated with days of confusion and "cloudiness."
Arachnoid Cyst - Mayo Clinic Connect
2011年7月22日 · Hi there, I am living in Ontario, Canada (although my profile lists an american state. There was no option for me to select a canadian province) and I am a 39 yr old woman. I have been diagnosed with an arachnoid cyst of the right posterior fossa which measures 2.1x1.6x1.6 cm.
Arachnoid Cyst - Mayo Clinic Connect
2011年7月22日 · Hi - just wanted to introduce a member who is seeking some information on the source of symptoms -- whether they are arising from arachnoid cyst or from a traumatic brain injury (TBI), @neet. neet said an arachnoid cyst was seen on MRI in May, almost a year after experiencing the TBI with multiple fractures, bleeds and loss of sense of smell.
Arachnoid Cyst - Mayo Clinic Connect
2011年7月22日 · Arachnoid cyst 3x 1.7 is displacing cranial nerves 9&10 seen in tesla 3 mri Dec 2020. Doing repeat Nov 9. Head throbbing whole body. Drs said do not worry about it. It’s common Now new dr says should have checked it a lot! sooner with all my idiopathic issues small fiber neurapathy. Nerve pain all over.
Posterior Fossa Arachnoid Cysts | Mayo Clinic Connect
2021年7月17日 · Posterior Fossa Arachnoid Cysts. ... Jul 17, 2021 . I had a craniotomy in May 2020 to fenestrate a cyst ...
Arachnoid Cysts - Mayo Clinic Connect
2023年11月6日 · Do your research ( John Hopkins, Mayo, Cleveland Clinic etc) and find a neurosurgeon who at least acknowledges that the cyst could be causing your symptoms. I have a rate and a small Tarlov cyst on the sacrum that most doctors say isn’t causing an array of symptoms that fit the cyst symptoms perfectly. .
Arachnoid Cyst - Mayo Clinic Connect
2021年7月16日 · This MRI shows a half inch arachnoid cyst at the right cerebellopontine angle. So, my new neurologist referred me back to my surgeon. My surgeon said he see's nothing unexpected. Really, nothing unexpected? Does this mean the arachnoid cyst was there prior to my surgery and was ignored? What am I supposed to do now?
Does anyone else have experience with a symptomatic arachnoid …
2024年5月27日 · I developed symptoms around the area of my arachnoid cyst (pain and pressure, sometimes to the point of throwing up) when I was 21. Now I am 70, and the symptoms have become almost debilitating. I've never been able to get the medical establishment to take the cyst seriously because arachnoid cysts are only rarely symptomatic.
Massive Retrocerebellar Arachnoid Cyst | Mayo Clinic Connect
2024年6月18日 · Hello, recent imaging has shown that I have a massive (4.6 x 9.8 x 6.7 cm) retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst, most likely congenital, completely surrounding the left half of my cerebellum. Imaging shows the left half of my cerebellum is about half the size of the right.
Arachnoid cyst or autoimmune disease - Mayo Clinic Connect
2022年7月31日 · Im going on 45. I've had an arachnoid cyst for years, probably since I was born, thats what a few neruoroligst told me years ago. They also told me that they're harmless. Harmless? I've had seizures since I was ten years old. They started out as partial seizures and in 1999 I started having grand-mal seizures. I still have both kinds of seizures.