39 Positioning Aids for Your Child with Special Needs & Why It …
2020年12月8日 · Proper positioning is crucial for children with motor and cognitive impairments. Standers, floor seats, wedges, and other positioning aids can help your child get into the right position for interacting, eating, playing, socializing, and more.
Leckey Pediatric Seating Systems - Sunrise Medical
Leckey's pediatric seating systems have been optimized to support the postural and developmental needs for young children and their families, enabling participation in daily functional activities at home, school, or on the move.
Leckey Squiggles Seating System - Sunrise Medical
This pediatric seating and positioning system provides unparalleled postural positioning of the pelvis, torso, head, and legs while giving the child the greatest possible freedom of movement. Find Your Leckey Dealer
Pediatric Rehab Equipment | Special Needs Positioning
Shop with Adaptive Specialties for your pediatric rehab equipment needs such as special needs positioning tools, toys, mobility supplies, and seats.
Pediatric Seating | Children's Chairs | Pediatric Positioning
Pediatric seating systems offer a range of functionality and support. While some are designed to be adjustable according to varying heights, weights, and degree of support and positioning required, others are meant for a specific age, size, and/or …
Tumble Forms2® Tadpole Pediatric Positioner - AliMed
Tumble Forms2® Tadpole Pediatric Positioner for infants and toddlers up to age 3 with cerebral palsy and other motor delays/dysfunctions. Place child in prone with half roll and two lateral supports to promote active body extension, head flexion, chest elevation, and forward propping for mid-line hand-touching.
Leckey Mygo Seating System - Sunrise Medical
Designed for children 3 to 14 years old, this pediatric seating and positioning solution gives young people an individualized therapy chair that can be adjusted with their growth to provide strong pelvic support designed to correct poor posturing.
Pediatric Positioning, Corner Chair, Posture Corrector, Booster …
Encompassing a broad range of adaptive devices and equipment, pediatric positioning products help keep special needs children secured and in proper posture while seated in chairs or wheelchairs, or while ambulating.
Pediatric Positioning System - Special Needs Equipment
Designed specifically for early intervention programs. Infants from birth to age three with cerebral palsy, motor delays or other motor dysfunctions benefit from this multi-use unit as an essential part of an effective therapy program. Ideal for clinic or home-based use.
The 5 Best Pediatric Standers - Rehabmart.com
There are functional supports available with pediatric standers to assist children with low muscle tone or limited limb control. These available supports include foot loops, footrests, chest straps, body harnesses, chin rests, headrests, and hip guides.