Usage of the word "orthogonal" outside of mathematics
2011年2月11日 · In statistics, the meaning of orthogonal as unrelated (or more precisely uncorrelated) is very directly related to the mathematical definition. [Two vectors x and y are called orthogonal if the projection of x in the direction of y (or vice-versa) is zero; this is geometrically the same as being at right angles.]
What word describes something that can move orthogonally and …
2015年2月4日 · from ortho- "straight" + gōnia => orthogonal; and similarly. from okta- combining form of okto "eight" + gōnia => octagonal; I wonder why we refused to assign relational/spacial meaning to word octagonal and only use it for describing shape of things. The way this word was formed is identical to the other siblings, and we are happy with ...
phrase requests - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2015年10月17日 · Would you really expect 'These choices are orthogonal' from a politician? Merriam-W lists the statis usage 5th and last in its pecking order. And the others are strange birds also. 'Not mutually exclusive' is not bettered in general usage by 'orthogonal'. My opinion, but reflected in these Google Ngrams. –
horizontal, vertical, distal - English Language & Usage Stack …
2012年1月31日 · Assuming cartesian, affine, orthogonal coordinate systems wherein axes are perpendicular towards each other and usually parallel to the viewport edges, the planar 2D coordinate system (for specifying positions, linear paths and areal shapes) of
"Lunch" vs. "dinner" vs. "supper" — times and meanings?
2011年4月24日 · @TrevorD: It's fine that you don't think they can be mixed; but you don't really explain anything. You just state that you agree with other answers. The whole point of Kyle's answer is to say that there is an orthogonal meaning which hadn't been brought up …
phrase requests - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2014年4月1日 · An arch might be engraved with "MCMLXII". A company logo might say, "since 1873". A sidewalk might be stamped with "08/2012".
etymology - If you can be "discombobulated", is it possible to be ...
2018年12月10日 · Here's a definition. "the 'nineties' refers of course to the 1890s. Supplement to Rural Dialect of Grant County, Indiana, in the 'nineties. Waldo Lee McAtee, 1942 - Americanisms. discombobulate, v., put out of order, upset plans.
meaning - Is "architect" a verb and a noun? - English Language
2011年1月14日 · And don't say, "those concerns are 'orthogonal'." They might be independent or uncoupled, but they're not orthogonal. Even authoritative dictionaries are only descriptivist. They only describe what people are doing -- appearance of a usage in a dictionary is not a legitimization or endorsement of that usage.
meaning - What did "google" mean in the 1900s? - English …
2011年10月22日 · As @Hugo points out OED has a mention of 'google eyes' from 1540. This comes from the 'The Byrth of Mankynde", the English translation of Eucharius Roslin's Der Rosengarten, a very popular book on childbirth and care …
meaning - Why is a mule driver called a "skinner"? - English …
2013年4月24日 · An AmE synonym for muleteer is "mule skinner". Where does "skinner" come from in this term, and why does it only apply to mule drivers and not cattle or oxen drivers? The closest I can come is some