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- Operation Castle was a United States series of high-yield (high-energy) nuclear tests by Joint Task Force 7 (JTF-7) at Bikini Atoll beginning in March 1954.了解详细信息:Operation Castle was a United States series of high-yield (high-energy) nuclear tests by Joint Task Force 7 (JTF-7) at Bikini Atoll beginning in March 1954.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Castle城堡行動 (英語: Operation Castle)是 美國 於1954年3月1日起在 太平洋 的 比基尼 及 埃內韋塔克 等兩個 環礁 所進行的 核子試爆 實驗,共計6次試爆。 其中以代號Bravo的實驗最為著名,由於美國對該次核試的威力估算錯誤,導致在附近海域作業的上百艘漁船及2萬餘居民遭受嚴重的 急性辐射综合症,該島被夷為平地並留下直徑1.2 英里 的大洞,亦導致 第五福龍丸事件 的發生。zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E5%9F%8E%E5%A0%A1%…Operation CASTLE was a six-detonation nuclear weapon test series (see table) held at the Atomic Energy Commission’s (AEC) Pacific Proving Ground (PPG) from March 1 to May 31, 1954.www.dtra.mil/Portals/61/Documents/NTPR/1-Fact_…
城堡行動 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
城堡行動(英語: Operation Castle )是美國於1954年3月1日起在太平洋的比基尼及埃內韋塔克等兩個環礁所進行的核子試爆實驗,共計6次試爆。
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Castle BRAVO at 70: The Worst Nuclear Test in U.S.
2024年2月29日 · Learn about the Bravo test, a thermonuclear explosion that caused a massive fallout and contaminated the Marshall Islands and Japan. See documents, films and photos from the National Security Archive.
Operation Castle - Nuclear Weapon Archive
Operation Castle and its Aftermath
Operation Castle was a series of six high yield nuclear weapons tests conducted in Bikini Atoll and Eniwetok Island in 1954. The tests produced large amounts of radioactive fallout that …
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城堡行動 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
城堡行動(英語: Operation Castle )是美國於1954年3月1日起在太平洋的比基尼及埃內韋塔克等兩個環礁所進行的核子試爆實驗,共計6次試爆。
城堡行动 - 百度百科
城堡作战(Operation Castle)是美国于1954年3月1日起在太平洋的比基尼及埃内韦塔克等两个环礁所进行的一连串核子试爆实验,共计有6次,其中以第一次代号Bravo的实验最著名,因为美国对该次实验的威力估算错误,导致在附近海域 …
Operation CASTLE was a series of six nuclear weapon tests at the Pacific Proving Ground from March to May 1954. It involved large-yield thermonuclear devices, radiation protection …
60th Anniversary of Castle BRAVO Nuclear Test, the …
2014年2月28日 · Learn about the 15-megaton thermonuclear test that created a crater a mile wide and spread radioactive fallout around the world. See documents on the health effects, the Fukuryu Maru incident, the U.S.-Japan …
The CASTLE series was held to test large-yield thermonuclear, or hydrogen, devices. Work on this class of devices had progressed through the GREENHOUSE, GEORGE experimental …
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