The Most Misunderstood Basketball Rules Updated ... - The Official …
2024年11月14日 · I developed this list over the past forty years, officiating thousands of basketball games. I first used this list back in 2005, for a presentation that I was making to a college level basketball coaching class after I was asked to give a lecture on the most misunderstood basketball rules. The list has evolved many times over the years.
Tough Questions ??? - The Official Forum - forum.officiating.com
2024年11月22日 · I still struggle with the kicked ball alternating possession throwin scenario. About twenty years go it was considered an inbound touch, an illegal touch, but nevertheless an inbound touch, ending the throwin, and the alternating possession arrow was reversed.
The Official Forum
2024年10月20日 · The Official Forum : The world's largest forum for referees and umpires!
Basketball Rules Interpretations - 2024-25 - The Official Forum
2024年10月29日 · Publisher’s Note: The National Federation of State High School Associations is the only source of official high school interpretations.
Sportsmanship ... - The Official Forum
2024年12月18日 · It is not a surprise to any one of you that there continues to be trouble recruiting new basketball officials to help replace the many officials who are retiring. Without officials---we do not have a game. Young officials continue to leave officiating after one or two years with the number one reason being treatment by coaches.
NFHS Update ... - The Official Forum
2023年11月22日 · I developed this list over the past forty-plus years, officiating thousands of basketball games. I first used this list back in 2005, for a presentation that I was making to a college level basketball coaching class after I was asked to give a lecture on the most misunderstood basketball rules (a lecture repeated last year).
Disqualifications Five Fouls ... - The Official Forum
2024年9月29日 · Found this on ChatGPT (artificial intelligence): Under NFHS basketball rules, substitutes cannot enter the game before a disqualified player is replaced.
Disqualification Substitutes ... - The Official Forum
2024年11月5日 · 2020-21 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations SITUATION 10: A1 fouls out of the game. The Team A coach talks to a substitute and within 15 seconds sends the substitute to the table to report in the game.
Lost Contact Lens and Timeout - The Official Forum
2024年12月12日 · We were asking the Captains as early as the mid-1970s and after officiating and having a deaf female student-athlete. who did not wear her hearing aids, who played for Miami-Dade C.C.-North and then played or Florida International University I also would ask about hearing aids and also have those marked in the Scorebook.
Odd Situation ... - The Official Forum
2024年11月6日 · 9.9.1 SITUATION B: During a jump ball, A1 taps the ball. A2 takes off from Team A's frontcourt and catches the ball while in the air.