Nile perch - Wikipedia
The Nile perch (Lates niloticus), also known as the African snook, Goliath perch, African barramundi, Goliath barramundi, Giant lates or the Victoria perch, is a species of freshwater …
After almost 70 years, this is how the Nile Perch has damaged Lake Victoria
2023年3月8日 · Scientists, those not burying their heads in the sand, say that Lake Victoria is facing an ecological disaster — thanks to the Nile perch. At first, the Nile perch was introduced …
nile perch in lake victoria The biological aspects of the Nile perch phenomenon have received a great deal of academic attention, as have the fish processing and
The Nile Perch in Lake Victoria: Local Responses and Adaptations
2011年3月3日 · Introduced into Lake Victoria in the 1950s, the Nile perch has gained fame for prompting rapid regional economic growth and for driving scores of endemic fish species into …
The Biodiversity Crisis: Lake Victoria - AMNH
After undergoing these stresses, the lake’s ecosystem suffered its severest blow of all in 1954—with the introduction of the Nile perch, a huge, voracious predator. Weighing up to 136 …
The invasion of an introduced predator, Nile perch - Springer
2006年12月23日 · Nile perch, a large predatory fish, was introduced into Lake Victoria in 1954. The upsurge of Nile perch in Lake Victoria was first observed in the Nyanza Gulf, Kenya, in …
Nile Perch Invasion: The Unintended Consequences of …
2023年6月7日 · The introduction of the Nile Perch to Lake Victoria, while well-intentioned, had far-reaching and primarily negative consequences for the lake’s ecosystem. Despite some …
The Origins of the Nile Perch in Lake Victoria - ResearchGate
2009年1月19日 · The nonnative Nile perch (Lates niloticus) in Lake Victoria, and the ecological changes associated with the species' establishment and expansion there, has elicited …
Introduction of the exotic Nile perch (Lates niloticus) into Africa's Lake Victoria accelerated decline of the diverse, endemic ichthyofauna, altered food web struc-ture, and created valuable …
1997年5月1日 · Introduction of the exotic Nile perch (Lates niloticus) into Africa’s Lake Victoria accelerated decline of the diverse, endemic ichthyofauna, altered food web structure, and …