  1. Copilot 答案

    Acute Exposure to Commonly Ingested Emulsifiers Alters Intestinal …

    • Native porcine small intestinal mucus was harvested and rinsed with cold water to remove bulk material at local abattoir (Research 87 Inc., Boylston MA). The mucus layer was gently scraped using a metal spatula… 展开

    Nanoparticle Preparation and Characterization

    Carboxyl- and amine- modified yellow-green 200 nm diameter fluorescent nanoparticles (FluoSpheres®, Life Technologies) were used to probe the mucus barrier. P… 展开

    Nanoparticle and Mucus Sample Preparation

    Transport properties of 200 nm fluorescent particles with carboxyl, amine, and PEG surface functionalization were probed using multiple particle tracking technique. The different surface … 展开

    E. Coli Preparation

    Escherichia coli (E. coli MG1655) was used as a model microbe. E. coli was transformed with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) plasmid (p-mut2-GRP, gift from Marcia Gol… 展开
