Molly in "rock" form??? - Bluelight.org
2010年9月2日 · When molly is made in mass, it often turns into large rocks. I get molly rocks frequently when buying molly. Its definitely not something unusual or something to worry about …
Is this what Molly in rock form looks like and how much of it is …
2015年2月1日 · So every time I have purchased molly before it has always come as little crystals in a capsule. Well this time an acquaintance offered me what he had left for $30 and I took the …
Brown molly? - Bluelight.org
2012年2月2日 · ive had some decent molly that was brown generally means that it was not cleaned as well and the chemist took some short cuts etc from the reading ive done but good …
what's the best way to take molly? | Bluelight.org
2009年6月21日 · I personally love to blow Molly, cause I absolutely dig the in my face roll. Last time I rolled, I had 1/2 G and i parachuted half, waited half an hour, and blew the other half in …
Best way to crush MDMA crystals? - Bluelight.org
2012年2月16日 · Put some molly on a blunt too which I felt pretty much instant. I was thinking of giving it a go at a festival sometime. I don't have much seratonin left so that is why I abstained …
Purple Molly? - Bluelight.org
2016年10月7日 · It came in 1 large rock. It is by no means see through or glassy looking even when broken up, but it is a very light purple. It was a white powder when crushed up with a …
What is "purple rock mdma"?? - bluelight.org
2010年11月27日 · Food dye can easily be added to Mdma. The Only Purple/ Black that matters is what colour the MDMA would turn a Marquis or Mandelin test kit
Pure acetone washed molly | Bluelight.org
2011年5月6日 · That said, there are characteristics of a molly "high" that are unmistakable. You should be able to get a decent little roll off of .1 grams. If you eat .1 grams and don't at least …
Can you shoot molly | Bluelight.org
2015年8月25日 · My husband and I have about a half gram of molly I used to use Molly daily but would parachute it as I did with a little this morning he snorted a little didn't do much we would …
First time trying Molly. Experiences? What to expect
2021年1月4日 · All my friends were an old school hippie/nu-metal/rock community having spent decades doing cool stuff together and building awesome relationships. My friend was a DJ at …