Abura - The Wood Database (Hardwood)
Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices, but is on the IUCN Red List. It is listed as vulnerable (both Mitragyna ledermannii and M. stipulosa) due to a population …
仅显示来自 wood-database.com 的搜索结果World's Strongest Woods
Think of wood as a very intricately patterned structure, composed of different components in varying lengths, thicknesses, and intertwining pat…
World's Strongest Woods - The Wood Database
Mitragyna - Wikipedia
Mitragyna is a genus of trees in the family Rubiaceae found in the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and Africa. Members of this genus contain antimalarial and analgesic indole alkaloids.
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Bow Woods - The Wood Database
475 行 · Bow wood like Osage Orange and Yew with a high rated index can be …
查看www.wood-database.com的所有475行BOW INDEX COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME 13.06 Iron birch Betula schmidtii 12.61 Pear Hawthorn Crataegus calpodendron 11.90 African Blackwood Dalbergia melanoxylon 11.61 Rowan Sorbus aucuparia
Abura Wood(Mitragyna Ciliata) | Agrowooders Group Of Companies
Abura Wood Specie. Common Name(s): - Abura, Bahia; Scientific Name: - Mitragyna ciliata (previously listed in Fleroya genus) Distribution: - West and Central Africa; Tree Size: - 100 …
Abura Hardwood Timber Specification - AnyOneWood
Abura wood, also known by its botanical name Mitragyna ciliata (now Hallea ledermannii) (Rubiaceae), is a versatile timber with many uses. The bulk of the tree is orange-brown to pink …
Mitragyna parvifolia | CABI Compendium - CABI Digital Library
The wood is durable if not exposed, and is used for building construction, furniture, agricultural implements, cooperage, utensils, toys, and turnery. It makes a good fuelwood. The foliage is …
Abura | Abura Wood | Mitragyna ciliata. - Wooduchoose
Abura wood - The bulk of the tree is orange-brown to pink sapwood. The heartwood, which is occasionally spongy, is reddish-brown with dark streaks. commonly straight-grained, it can have interlocking and spiral grain also; the …
Abura - Austin Hardwoods
Mitragyna ciliata. Other Common Names. Bahia, Baya, Camaroncillo, Elelom, M'voukou, Subaha, Vuku. Region. West Africa Country Sierra Leone/Ivory Coast to Congo/Angolia. The Tree. The tree is reported to mature to heights of over …
Mitragyna stipulosa - Useful Tropical Plants - The Ferns
2024年10月13日 · The wod is light in weight; soft; not durable, being susceptible to fungi, dry wood borers and termites. It seasons fairly quickly, with only a slight risk of checking or …