Aortopulmonary Shunts Since the original description of the classic shunt by Blalock and Taussig, multiple di˘erent types shunts between the systemic and pulmonary circulations have been devised. Some of these shunts include: • Classic Blalock-Taussig- omas shunt (BTTS). ˇe subclavian artery is tran-
Melbourne Shunt Promotes Growth of Diminutive Central …
Melbourne shunt promoted sufficient growth of the central PAs to allow complete repair in 61% of the patients in the present study. There is considerable need for further interventions in these patients to augment the size of the central PAs.
catheterization and CTA. If the branch PAs are diminutive, a central shunt (Mee shunt) is performed (see below), usually at - months of age. An mBTTS may be used in patients that have slightly larger PAs in order to avoid overcirculation but still promote PA growth. ˇe PA anatomy is reassessed later in in infancy and the
Arterial Switch Operation and Mee Procedure - CTSNet
2019年8月28日 · At five weeks of life, the patient underwent Jatene’s arterial switch operation (ASO), Mee procedure, atrial septal defect closure, and PDA ligation and division. The Mee procedure is the surgical technique to translocate the intramural coronary artery in a patient undergoing an ASO.
Surgical treatment of pulmonary atresia with major aortopulmonary ...
2017年3月2日 · In the case of diminutive central right and left PAs (≤2.5 mm), a Mee shunt (central direct aorta-to-main PA shunt) was performed as a first stage. If the main PA was smaller than the right PA, the incision was extended from the main PA to the right PA.
The Blalock and Taussig Shunt Revisited - PMC
They believed that it provides for adequate pulmonary artery growth in patients with small central pulmonary arteries. This shunt has also been termed the Mee shunt after the senior surgeon involved in its description. Potts shunt. Potts shunt was developed as …
At the Royal Children’s Hospital, a direct central end-to-side shunt has been developed as a staging procedure for a subgroup of patients with very small PAS. Herein, the sequelae of this shunt procedure are reviewed.
Segmental Pulmonary Hypertension in Children with Congenital …
2020年9月24日 · Our patient has a type II pulmonary blood supply and initially underwent a central shunt (Mee shunt) followed by BT shunts to promote the growth of hypoplastic pulmonary arteries.
Melbourne shunt promotes growth of diminutive central …
The first procedure is a central end-to-side aortopulmonary shunt (Melbourne shunt) intended to cause growth and development of the central pulmonary arteries. We subsequently measured central pulmonary artery growth after Melbourne shunt. Methods: Forty consecutive patients were followed after Melbourne shunt. The maximum pulmonary artery ...
Objectives: We evaluated our clinical experiences on rehabilitation of native pulmonary arteries (PAs) with a central shunt using an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) tube graft in management of pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (VSD) and major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCAs) with diminutive PAs.
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