Led or Leaded - WordReference Forums
2010年5月3日 · "Leaded", pronounced "led-ed", is an adjective, describing a construction style found in stained glass windows.\ (I see "lead" used as the past tense of "lead" quite often. I …
Leaded or led? - WordReference Forums
2013年1月2日 · ("Leaded" is not a word, unless you're talking about gasoline or coffee. Gasoline used to have a lead compound added to it, but it was dangerous to breathe. It was called …
To list that you led projects in the past and still do, what tense ...
2010年6月17日 · With the (somewhat unusual) constraint of not allowing time adverbials, I have to agree with Forero. It does not overtly deny that you are leading a project.
a leaded glass - WordReference Forums
2023年2月8日 · The door is made of leaded glass produced in Spain. The door is made of a leaded glass that can't be broken even with a hammer. Is the use of the article (or lack thereof) …
omission in a clause leaded by 'however' or 'whatever'
2014年9月4日 · In the following sentences, a subject and a verb or a verb of each concessive clause is omitted, and I have filled in the space which the words is omitted at with expected …
leaded glass - WordReference Forums
2010年8月28日 · Here's "leaded glass" in Joyce Carol Oates's I'll Take You There: "in the harsh glare from the leaded-glass window his creased, windburned-looking face exposed" (talking …
leaded-light window - WordReference Forums
2008年12月16日 · Hola! El contexto es éste: "There was a view out through the leaded-light windows on to a swimming pool". ¿Alguien me sugiere una traducc
leaded type - WordReference Forums
2007年3月14日 · Bonjour, Une question de typographie. Comment traduire "leaded type" ? Est-ce quelque chose comme "caractères interlignés" ?
is this leaded? - WordReference Forums
2007年4月13日 · Hola amigos me gustarìa que me ayudaran con esta frase, ¿que signifca en este contexto la palabra lead?, he puesto con color verde el texto para que tengan una idea. …
'How is your mother?' sounds strange for native speakers?
2015年6月2日 · I want to understand what's really wrong here, and I prepared a list of questions for native speakers from around the world. Do they sound OK or wrong? Please, leave your …