The Khanate of Sibir (Siberia) — the northernmost Muslim ... - Reddit
2014年1月24日 · The Sibir Khanate was itself once an integral part of the Mongol Empire, and later the White Horde and the Golden Horde. The Sibir Khanate had an ethnically diverse population of Siberian Tatars, Khanty, Mansi, Nenets and Selkup people. The Sibir Khanate was the northernmost Muslim state in recorded history.
The city of Qashliq around the 15th century, capital of the Khanate …
2017年8月28日 · The Khanate of Sibir ruled an ethnically diverse population of Turkic Siberian Tatars and various Uralic peoples including the Khanty, Mansi, Nenets and Selkup. The Sibir Khanate was the northernmost Muslim state in recorded history. Its defeat by Yermak Timofeyevich in 1582 marked the beginning of the Russian conquest of Siberia. Wiki.
The Khanate of Sibir (Siberia) — the northernmost Muslim state in ...
2018年12月10日 · It's not very surprising, since this Khanate ceased to exist in the 1590s, and a lot of history and conquests had happened since then, displacing the Muslims in that territory. Reply reply ademonlikeyou
If Russia failed, Sibiristan (The Khanate of Siberia)
2024年6月13日 · The Sibir Khanate was established by Siberian Tatars, so kinda yeah Reply reply More replies. Xyphan179 ...
how do we know that Khanate of Sibir is not Middle Zhuz?
2021年1月12日 · Also, in Sibir Khanate there was a considerable amount of immigrants from territory of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Also, the source from 1721 would say this majority of the tatars that live on Chulym and Kie descend from Kuchum khan and earlier they were one people with Kazakh horde people
Neo-Manichaean Khanate of Sibir : r/imaginarymaps - Reddit
2024年3月16日 · The Neo-Manichean Khanate of Sibir was a nomadic empire located in Southwestern Siberia. It was founded in 1146 by a Manichean Turkic noble named Saribek (and notably transmasculine). His view on the religion was significantly different from the ones once widespread in Iran, Rome and Uyghur Khaganate and is often called Saribekism.
Russian Influence on the Central Asian Khanates - Reddit
2020年10月12日 · The Nogai Khanate to the west secured the land from the Volga river over the north of the Caspian Sea, the Moghuls has invaded eastern Kazakh, the Sibir controlled a large part of the northern border and Siberia once again to the Volga River, and Bukhara to the south was in constant competition with Iran, doing whatever needed to stay ahead.
Uluğ Orda-Ethnic Map of the Khanate : r/imaginarymaps - Reddit
2021年9月22日 · The khanate of the Rus is a semi-Islamised Russian state which is ruled by Turco-Slavic nobles. It was founded by the conquest and the subsequent union of the principalities of Pronsk, Ryazan, Murom, Nizhy Novgorod and the khanate of Qasim by the Khanate. West Georgia is a vassal state between the Khanate itself and the Ottoman Empire.
Dzungar Khanate: Real Mongol Empire rebuilt, in two versions (DOD)
2020年12月22日 · R5: did a run as Dzungar Khanate, westernized in 1863 and steadily conquered all Chinese lands including ones held by Japan, Korea, Spain, and Burgundy. All Chinese lands acquired by 1895, then diverged into two paths
Artists rendition of Qashliq/Sibir, the capital of the Khanate of Sibir ...
2021年9月14日 · The Eldiguzids were a Atağbeylik founded by a Kipchak Turk. After the fall of the United Seljuq Empire,the Eldiguzids took control over North&South Azerbaijan,Armenia,East Anatolia,Kurdistan and Mazandaran.Although being Kipchak,the coin under Kızıl Arslan carries the tamgha of the Oghuz Kızık tribe