The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum
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Finding Aids | Jimmy Carter Library
The material in this collection consists of correspondence, memorandums, photographs, press clippings, press briefings, handwritten notes, magazines, and notebooks.
CAMP DAVID, MARYLAND 8:14 9:45 ! I i 9:53 j 1 I lo:52 1 I, lo:52 / iI! I 11:16 1 I! 1 I The President and Mr. Daughenbaugh went fishing. I i R The President was telephoned by the First Lady.The call I I was not completed.
THE DAILY D!ARY OF PRESiDEfiT .JlMMY CARTER THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME From 1 To I ~36 t 8:15 9:32 10: 51 11:20 11: 34 I 10: 56 AUGUST 7, 1979 TIME DAY 7:36 p.m. TUESDAY I-~~~ The President and the First Lady went to the White House theatre. They were accompanied by: Mr. Askew Chip Carter I Jeff and Annette Carter
the dall’f idiary of pres13ent jimmy carteil dxi e day, y r.) st. matthew's cathedral january 15, 1980 washington, d.c. time day i time from 1 to 10:02 llt18 10:55 i 11:19 i i ii i 11: 20 1 t 11: 23 i 11:26 11:28 i 11:30 it 11:31 i f!
Finding Aids | Jimmy Carter Library
The material in this collection consists of newspaper clippings relating to the 1976 campaign, schedules of appearances by Jack and Judy Carter, and campaign fliers and brochures on various issues.
THE DAlLY DIARY OF PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER)CATlON DATE r.\io.. Day, Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE FEBRUARY 24, 1979 WASHINGTON, D.C. TlME DAY 6:00 a.m. SATURDAY PHONE TIME ACRVITY From 1 To 6:00 R The President received a wake up call from the White House signal board operator. 6:39 The President went to the Oval Office.
THE DAlt’i OF D!ARY PRESlDENT JIMMY CARTER LOCATION THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. DKIE Ho., Day,k’r.1 JUNE 23, 1979 TIME DAY 11:58 a.m. SATURDAY TIME tc From 1 TO 11: 58 12:lO 112:20 I I 12:36 12:36 12:45 12: 46 12:54 EDT 1:ll 1:Ol ADT 3-: 33 The President and the First Lady were greeted by: Governor Jay S. Hammond (R-Alaska) …
THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESfDE?dT JIMMY CARTER LOCATION ITALIANMARKET PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA SEPTEMBER 3, 1980 TI!dE DA > PHOhE 11:49a.m. WEDNESDAY! continued Anna Cibotti Verna, Member of the City Council, 12:15 [i i 12tl5 / - , 1; I 12:27 i! i j i I i 1:ll j I I j 1:ll j 1 1 i I i i I i, I! I i1 tI 12:22 1:26 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania