grammatical number - Is the plural form of ID spelled ID's or ID ...
2014年12月5日 · Yes, it can depend on the style guide you're using, but since you're clearly not using a style guide, the plural of cat is cats, and the plural of ID is IDs. Simple as that. There is …
Is "I'd've" proper use of the English language?
2010年8月13日 · While reading a book, I came across the word I'd've, as in: I'd've argued against it. While it was obvious what it meant, it left me puzzled.
Meaning of "by" when used with dates - inclusive or exclusive
2014年8月28日 · If, in a contract fr example, the text reads: "X has to finish the work by MM-DD-YYYY", does the "by" include the date or exclude it? In other words, will the work delivered on …
When is "Y" a vowel? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
In school we are taught the vowels: A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y. Today's XKCD got me thinking about when the letter Y is considered to be a vowel. I understand (perhaps incorrectly) …
How should the abbreviation for "identifier" be capitalized?
2015年3月23日 · In English, both letters should be capitalized ("ID"). The lower case word "id" has a specific meaning that does not invoke the meaning "identifier," or "identification."
grammatical number - Does "staff" take a plural verb? - English ...
2010年9月21日 · In British English, one can say "our staff do", because they use plural verbal agreement to emphasize when an entity is made up of a group of people, whether this entity …
AM/PM vs a.m./p.m. vs am/pm - English Language & Usage Stack …
I used to think PM/AM was correct, but at some point, I switched to using p.m./a.m. for reasons I can't recall. I know that in practical, casual writing, people tend to use whatever form is most
What is the plural of "sir"? [closed] - English Language & Usage …
2018年9月30日 · Sirs pace Lawler and Lambie is a time-honored way of addressing more than one sir, as per the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), definition 7b:
history - Is the etymology of "salary" a myth? - English Language ...
2018年6月3日 · Two small points: 1. Pliny's mention is vague, in that he doesn't mention the nature of these 'rewards', but from other sources (e.g. Tacitus) it seems clear that a kind of …
orthography - How to specify the letter O, not a zero - English ...
2023年7月19日 · Imagine a technical specification that reads: In the text box, enter "O1" (O the letter, not the number zero) Is there a convention which achieves this explanation more …