地址:湖北省十堰市车城西路167号 邮编:442002 接待/接访电话:0719-8238177 (08:00-11:30,14:30-17:30) 昼夜值班电话:0719-8511110 传真:0719-8260748 版权所有:湖北汽车工业学院 鄂icp备10014071-1号
Hubei University of Automotive Technology
The First Confucius Institute of HUAT Inaugurate… On the morning of December 19, 2023 in Ghana, the Confucius Institute jointly built by HUAT and Nk… KIVENI LULENDO GINIAS Won Two Grand Prizes. Recently, good news has been pouring in! Good news came from the Hubei Provincial Competition for …
版权所有:湖北汽车工业学院教务处 地址:中国.湖北省.十堰市.张湾区.车城西路167号 邮编:442002 教务处邮箱:qyjwc@163.com 技术支持邮箱:xuanke@huat.edu.cn 电话: 0719-8512722(教务科) 0719-8512719(办公室) 0719-8512721(学籍管理科) 管理登录管理
General Information-Hubei University of Automotive Technology
Hubei University of Automotive Technology (HUAT) was founded in 1972 with Mr. Meng Shaonong, the former member of the Chinese Academy of Science appointed as its first president. It has been the only one undergraduate university with automobile industry as the name of a university in China.
School of Economics and Management - huat.edu.cn
2021年6月22日 · School of Economics and Management. Overview . The School of Economics and Management (SEM) was created in 1983. Today, the School is proud to be part of the Hubei University of Automotive Technology, which now has among its faculties a high-quality faculty dedicated to Economics and Management.
College of Mechanical Engineering - huat.edu.cn
2021年6月22日 · The College of Mechanical Engineering (CME), formerly known as the Department of Mechanical Engineering, was established in 1972. It was one of the earliest departments of HUAT, and changed its name to College of Mechanical Engineering in 2013.
Programs for International Students - huat.edu.cn
About HUAT. General Information; Greetings from CUC; Greetings from Presidents; Leaders of HUAT; Facts & Figures; HUAT in Pictures; Schools & Departments; International. International Cooperation &Exchange Office; Cooperation Partners; Programs for International Students; Recruitment; Forms-Download; International Education; Academics ...
Institute of Automotive Engineers - huat.edu.cn
2023年4月15日 · The Institute of Automotive Engineers (IAE), formerly known as Dongfeng Institute of Automotive Engineers, traces its history back to HUAT-IAE, a teaching and research institute which was established according to an agreement signed by Hubei University of Automotive Technology (HUAT) and the Education Department of Hubei Province in 2011.
College of Materials Engineering - huat.edu.cn
2021年6月22日 · College of Materials Engineering (CME) was established in 1981. Currently, CME has a large contingent of outstanding faculties, among which there are 7 professors, 18 associate professors and...
Schools & Departments-Hubei University of Automotive Technology
About HUAT. General Information; Greetings from CUC; Greetings from Presidents; Leaders of HUAT; Facts & Figures; HUAT in Pictures; Schools & Departments; International. International Cooperation &Exchange Office; Cooperation Partners; Programs for International Students; Recruitment; Forms-Download; International Education; Academics ...