How does alcohol stay in urine and blood - JustAnswer
Good question. So this is related to the quantity that is consumed. The typical answer is that the body can process, via alcohol dehydrogenase about 1/2 an ounce of alcohol per hour, so this would give you a rough idea of the time needed to break …
How does alcohol stay in your urine - JustAnswer
Customer: How long does alcohol stay in your urine. Answered by Lindie in 6 mins 17 years ago. Lindie. 17 ...
How does alcohol stay in your urine? I had to a couple - JustAnswer
Alcohol is rapidly eliminated from the body and detection time in urine is around 12-18 hours. So your test on Friday at 2 PM should not show alcohol in urine. Please feel free for your follow up questions. Dr. Arun
How does alcohol stay in urine - JustAnswer
2008年4月18日 · How does alcohol stay in urine - Answered by a verified Health Professional We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them.
How does alcohol stay in your system for a urine test - JustAnswer
How long alcohol can be tested positive in your urine varies, based on how much you've been drinking, how long you been drinking and if you have a healthy liver. If a healthy person has one alcoholic drink per hour, then the urine test would be positive for …
How will etg stay in urine that has been sitting in a bottle???
How long a 8% alcohol stay on your urine? Dr-Steve-MD. Medical Expert, and former Professor at a major ...
How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your Urine? | Expert Q&A
Alcohol itself can be detected in urine for approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours per drink. Any urine produced after this would be negative for alcohol (although urine still in the bladder could test positive for alcohol if it was produced earlier than this).
How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your System? | Expert Q&A
number of factors can determine how long alcohol will stay in a person’s system. Typically, the liver can metabolize 1 ounce of alcohol in an hour. Depending on how many drinks you have, you can figure it will take your body at least one hour to get rid of each standard drink.
How does alcohol stay in your urine - JustAnswer
How long does alcohol stay in your urine after 12 beers? 911Doctor. Board Certified Emergency Physician ...
How does alcohol stay in your urine system - JustAnswer
2006年7月2日 · It takes 1 hour for the body to eliminate 1 unit of alcohol depending on the health of the liver and kidneys, body size, sex, and the amount of food in the digestive tract which can bind to the various molecules in the alcoholic beverage.