Is it correct to use "their" instead of "his or her"?
I have gone to using their instead of the increasingly awkward him/her in all but the most formal of my writings. His or her is sounding very contrived, and it is no better to substitute her for him than to have him as the gender neutral pronoun.
Is it grammatically correct to use his, her, or his/her?
2014年12月5日 · Your final sentence is false: Ask anyone you know what he or she thinks about using your given alternate for herself or himself in his or her own daily language, and you’ll find that yours won’t work out at all as well for him or her, and that hers or his is hardly an uncommon perspective in this matter.
Is there a correct gender-neutral singular pronoun ("his" vs. "her" …
2010年8月6日 · Is there a pronoun I can use as a gender-neutral pronoun when referring back to a singular noun phrase? Each student should save his questions until the end. Each student should save her questions...
his and her thing or things? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2016年11月18日 · "His and her lexicons" will be ambiguous. If you wanna make it clear that they are different for each of them, then I would say "His and her respective lexicons." In this case however, both him and her may own one or more lexicons.
Should I use "his/her" or "its"? [duplicate] - English Language
2010年10月14日 · Possible Duplicates: Gender neutral pronoun Is it correct to use “their” instead of “his or her”? I am writing software documentation. I have this issue: I am talking about a generic user of the software. Should I say “his preferences”, “his/her preferences” or “its preferences”?
Why do people use all 3 components in their gender pronouns?
2020年2月2日 · The three pronoun format (e.g., "he/him/his") is an obvious and hard-to-misunderstand way of communicating a person's personal gender pronouns. It is just convention, and even then, the two pronoun format (e.g., "he/him", dropping the …
What is the proper way to say possesive with "person X" and self?
Possible Duplicate: My wife and I's seafood collaboration dinner I've never known what the proper way to use a sentence in which you and a specific person (as in you can't just say "our" because you want to specify who) possess something. Is it "Julie's and mine", "Mine and Julies", "Julie and my"...? For instance, "Julie and my favorite band is Eluveitie." "That sandwich is Ben and mine ...
He/Him/His VS She/Her/Her - English Language & Usage Stack …
2019年2月1日 · How did her become the female equivalent of both him and his instead of only being a possessive pronoun like his? Is there a reason? For example: She likes him and his dog. He likes her and her dog.
Why doesn't possessive "his" have distinct forms like "her" vs. "hers"?
2019年5月29日 · I could quote the entries on etymonline.com for "his," "her," and "hers," but you can probably just read them for yourself. As others have commented, if you still have questions after doing that bit of reading, it's proper on this site to post with clear questions and to state what research you have already done.
Why is it always 'a friend of his' but no mandatory possessive ...
As this NGram shows, we nearly always use the possessive form of personal pronouns for friend of mine/his/ours/etc. But when it comes to actual names, we prefer friend of Peter without the possessive apostrophe. That preference is even more marked with, say, friend of America.