Why is an FCC lattice the reciprocal lattice of a BCC Lattice?
2024年2月28日 · Each primitive vector of the reciprocal basis must be orthogonal to $2$ of the primitive vectors of the lattice basis. And the dot product to the other must be $2\pi$. The primitive vectors of the FCC lattice go from one of the vertices of the cube until the points at the centre of the faces (nearest neighbours).
Primitive unit cell of fcc - Physics Stack Exchange
2017年8月9日 · When I consider the primitive unit cell of a fcc lattice (red in the image below) the lattice points are only partially part of the primitive unit cell. All in all the primitive unit cell contains only one single lattice point. My question is how much each point at the corners of the red primitive unit cell contributes?
solid state physics - Closed formula for neighbors in FCC lattice ...
2021年2月19日 · Geometric Structure Factor for Monatomic FCC lattice. 2. FCC lattice as a stack of triangular lattices. 2.
Interplanar distance in FCC and BCC - Physics Stack Exchange
2020年5月1日 · for a reciprocal lattice vector $\vec{G}$ to the case of a cubic lattice. For FCC and BCC lattices you can express the reciprocal lattice vectors (usually written in terms of the Miller indices $(h,k,l)$) in terms of the reciprocal lattice vectors for a …
Geometric Structure Factor for Monatomic FCC lattice
The $\vec{a}_i$ are called the lattice vectors and are just there to define the cubic structure. They can be chosen the same for the simple cubic, the bcc and the fcc lattice. What you need are the basis vectors. In a simple cubic lattice, you only have one basis vectors, $\vec{0}$.
Lattice and basis vectors for a NaCl structure
2017年11月26日 · While you can reproduce the lattice with Cl at (0.5,0,0), that would mess up the primitive cell. The second basis point has to be inside the FCC unit. Of the 4 octahedral sides that can be the second basis point (3 of the edge half sites and the body center site), only the body center lies within the primitive unit FCC cell. Hope this helps.
FCC and BCC lattice - Physics Stack Exchange
Some crystals can be described by a FCC lattice or BCC lattice. For example diamond can be described as a FCC lattice with two basis vectors. Is it also possible to describe it using an ordinary cube lattice with a different basis than the FCC basis?
crystals - Why is diamond structure not bravais lattice? - Physics ...
2017年5月14日 · Diamond structure is a FCC bravais lattice with two carbon atoms per site. As the OP says, it is like two FCC lattices with the second lattice shifted by (1/4, 1/4, 1/4) in reduced coordinates from the first one.
Understanding FCC and BCC Bravais Lattices
2016年3月2日 · In an FCC crystal (let's say an iron crystal) there is a basis which contains four atoms, and the origin of the lattice displacement vectors for those four atoms is the 'lattice point'. It would be entirely consistent to take the lattice point to …
solid state physics - Describing complex Bravais lattice as a simple ...
2021年2月27日 · For example, we can describe a BCC lattice as a simple cubic lattice, where each point in the simple cubic lattice represents 2 points of the original BCC lattice. My questions are: 1.Given some general Bravais lattice, is there a mathematical way to determine if this given Bravais lattice can be described as a simple Bravais lattice, say ...