What differences are there between "annually", "yearly", and …
For example, I would say "Dengue outbreaks occurs every year during the raining season" instead of "Dengue outbreaks occurs annually / yearly" simply because Dengue does not …
"Yearly" or "every year" in a sentence - English Language Learners ...
2016年9月30日 · You can use the word yearly as an adverb or every year as an adverbial phrase, without any difference in meaning. Per The Free Dictionary, yearly means every year; without …
What's the difference between "a year", "per year" and "out of a …
7 months a year means 7 months for each/every year. "Per" in English is used to mean "for each". Therefore 7 months per year = 7 months for each year. 7 months out of a year just comes …
each and every year - WordReference Forums
2015年3月16日 · Hi, when people say "each and every year", does it mean more or less the same thing as "each year" and/or "every year"? Is it only a wordy way of saying "each year" and/or …
Each year Vs. Every year - WordReference Forums
2013年4月10日 · "The number of I nternet users grows each / every year." Internet is always capitalized! There are a lot of threads on "each / every", so you should check them out before …
If annual means one year, is there any word for two,three, four.. year
2011年7月29日 · From WordWeb: Annual: Occurring or payable every year What is the corresponding single word for occurring every two year, three year, four year etc. I understand …
Usage of “per”, “each” and "every"? - English Language & Usage ...
2019年4月6日 · "each" generally means either an equal distribution, or a minimum, or both. Studying 10 hours each week would mean at least 10 hours every week. "every" in this case …
Every half a year or every half year? - WordReference Forums
2015年4月15日 · I would use "every half year," especially in an academic or professional context. You can hear people use "every half a year" in conversation. Not "every twice year" but "twice …
Is "tri-quarterly" a real English word meaning 3 times a year?
2013年3月30日 · The OED records the adjective triannual as obsolete, but gives it both as ‘occurring every three years’ and ‘occurring thrice a year’. It gives the adjective ‘triennial’ as …
Is there a term to describe an event which happens every 18 …
2011年6月7日 · Occurring once every one and a half years (i.e. once every 18 months, or twice every three years); sesquiannual. Etymology: From Latin sesquiennium (compare sesqui-and …