Endophthalmitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment - Cleveland Clinic
Endophthalmitis is a serious medical condition that needs immediate treatment. It can spread and cause vision loss. Panophthalmitis is the name for an infection that spreads to all parts of your eyeball and extends into the orbit.
What is Endophthalmitis? - American Academy of Ophthalmology
2025年1月15日 · Endophthalmitis is an infection of the tissues or fluids inside the eyeball. It is a medical emergency. Although rare, endophthalmitis can cause permanent vision loss if not treated quickly.
Endophthalmitis - EyeWiki
Endophthalmitis is a purulent inflammation of the intraocular fluids (vitreous and aqueous), usually due to infection. It is a serious intraocular inflammatory disorder resulting from infection of the vitreous cavity. Progressive vitritis is the hallmark of any form of endophthalmitis.
What Causes Endophthalmitis? Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment - WebMD
2024年2月12日 · Endophthalmitis is an uncommon infection of the eyeball. It happens inside the tissues or fluids of the eye due to a bacterial or fungal infection. Endophthalmitis is a medical emergency...
Endophthalmitis - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2020年11月15日 · Endophthalmitis is defined as an inflammation of the inner coats of the eye, resulting from intraocular colonization of infectious agents with exudation within intraocular fluids. It is a potentially blinding condition.
Endophthalmitis: Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, and More - Healthline
2018年9月18日 · Endophthalmitis, pronounced “end-opf-THAL-mi-tis, is the term used to describe severe inflammation inside the eye. Inflammation is caused by an infection. It may occur with certain types of eye...
Endophthalmitis - Wikipedia
Endophthalmitis, or endophthalmia, is inflammation of the interior cavity of the eye, usually caused by an infection. It is a possible complication of all intraocular surgeries, particularly cataract surgery, and can result in loss of vision or loss of the eye itself. [1] .
Endophthalmitis - Eye Disorders - Merck Manual Consumer Version
Endophthalmitis is a medical emergency. Immediate treatment with antibiotics is usually needed to preserve vision and to protect the health of the eye. A delay of even a few hours can result in irreversible vision loss in extreme cases.
Endophthalmitis - Eye Disorders - MSD Manual Professional Edition
Endophthalmitis is an acute panuveitis resulting most often from bacterial infection. Most cases of bacterial endophthalmitis are caused by gram-positive bacteria, such as Staphylococcus epidermidis or S. aureus (1). Endophthalmitis caused by gram-negative organisms tends to be more virulent and has a worse prognosis.
Endophthalmitis - Patients - The American Society of Retina
Endophthalmitis causes the white of the eye to be inflamed. There may be a white or yellow discharge on or inside the eyelid, and the cornea may show a white cloudiness. There may also be a layer of white cells (hypopyon) present within the anterior chamber of the eye between the iris and the cornea.